Anarchist Of America By Clarence Bodicker =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Welcome To 1 of 4 Files of City Anarchists and Prankers. Well give you ideas of Excellent Tricks which can be carried out anywhere in the world.. Clarence Bodicker. Author of this file. Has written many Anarchy files but none as good as this. The files obtained are so simple to do, No major money involved or serious injures can be caused of you think before you to them, Though you may get caught and Go to JAIL for a few months or serve a few hundred hours of Community work.. So Have Phun! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Welcome to File #1, Here we give ways on Getting Even on your enemy.. 1.0 Trash His Clothes, Get a Water gun, Best is those Zap-It guns which blast about 20 feet away. Get some very Stainfull liquids such as bleech or Iodine, Make a solution (Harder to clean) And place it in the water gun, Shot it at them from a distance, Better not to get caught and you've messed there clothes up really good. Bleech will really make mess on a Black Shirt. Get it on a good brand shirt like Polo. 1.1 Don't you hate Jews, Well get some Twizers, A lighter and a quarter and hold the quarter in the twizers, and cook the thing with the lighter, Then just drop it on the ground when he walks past, The dick will pick it up and be a really Fuckhead. I did it to one dickhead and it swing his hand really fast after picking it up he slapped some guy in the head. Ha! Then the teacher screwed him up really bad, And it was my fault. 1.2 Find someone drink, When he is not looking, Drop a 9-volt batterie in his Drink ( The Batterie should be new ) And Zap. That dick is ready for a shock. 1.3 Get a lighter, Lighter Fluid, Pour the lighter fluid all over the lighter, Then wait for about 10 minutes till it drys and give it to someone. The Dick will light the light and the flame will ignite the gas. It'll burn his hand luckly. 1.4 Do you hate any BBS losers. Go to there house and Slash the rubber around the telephone cables so there'll be just the wire, Do it in a few areas. It'll cause major Line Noise. Effect d/l's and U/l's and it'll be a mess up in time and they'll have a hard life.. 1.5 Go to a telephone box and pour a bottle of Ink in the Slot where you get ou money back. There ink will stain for days. 1.6 Pour Lighter Fluid all over a Ash-tray, Around the ash-tray and all aroud the area. When someone puts the hot ash in the tray, It'll ignite into a big fire, To it somewhere were it'll effect alot of people like an Arcade. It'll get them in alot of touble. 1.7 Get a Paper Bag and find some Shit, Put it in the bag and then swing the bag and let go and let it which it should it a car window. it'll slat it a weird way. Quite funny and very Smelly and messy. 1.8 Get a Mustard bottle which you have around fast food places. You Swize it and the mustard comes out. Now make a mixture of the worst things like Really Smelly things, Mix shit+Onions and anything less smelly and put it in the mustard botle and squeeze it through the holes in lockers. And it it settle down for a weekend, The day they come back, There locker will smell. 1.9 Get glue and Put it all over the place like in Toilet paper, Telephone books and anywhere else that'll cause problems. It's pretty funny. Sorry no more in file. Check out the others, They contain more funny things. Downloaded from Just Say Yes. 2 lines, More than 1500 files online! Do you write? Give us a call! 415-922-2008 CASFA Another file downloaded from: NIRVANAnet(tm) & the Temple of the Screaming Electron 415-935-5845 Just Say Yes 415-922-1613 Rat Head 415-524-3649 Cheez Whiz 408-363-9766 Reality Check 415-474-2602 Specializing in conversations, obscure information, high explosives, arcane knowledge, political extremism, diversive sexuality, insane speculation, and wild rumours. ALL-TEXT BBS SYSTEMS. Full access for first-time callers. We don't want to know who you are, where you live, or what your phone number is. We are not Big Brother. "Raw Data for Raw Nerves"  .