_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_) (_) (_) (_) API Presents.... /\ (_) (_) _/__\_ (_) (_) /\ .. The Art of Breaking and Entering .. / \ (_) (_) _/__\_ (_) (_) / \ .. by Laughing Gas (_) (_) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (_) (_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_)(_) = Thursday, August 10th, 1989 = Yes, there's an art to it... Breaking and Entering... There's more than just smashing a window, reaching inside, unlocking the latch, climbing in, grabbing a radio, and a wallet, and climbing out. And there are more reasons for breaking and entering than just grabbing a radio and a wallet, although that is one good reason... but not necessarily the most fun or the most rewarding. For example.. say you found a telco station, and you wanna 'borrow' some things... But wait... whats in that large box.... shit, you can't move it, can't open it.. Sheesh.. and you really smashed up that door, theres no way you'll be able to come back.. Well, thats an opportunity lost. DDD "Preface". That's what this file is for, to teach you how to get into a building, locked container, or whatever, with minimul damage, noise, and signs of entry. First thing to know. Always wear gloves. I dont care what the situation is, wear gloves. Don't were thick winter/ski gloves either, wear, when possible thin tight gloves. If you have to take off the gloves to do something, and you're breaking into something where this would be nessicary, be careful not to leave finger prints. DDD Preperation. If you are breaking some place far from you, you wanna park your car, or leave your mode of transportation far enough away from the place that the neighbors or anyone passing by wont connect it with whatever you're doing, but close enough that you can get to it if you need to.. You also dont want to carry alot of stuff with you, travel as light as possible. If you go at night, which of course, is preferable, you will need a flashlight of course, preferably a pen light since you can hold them many places.. You'll also want to wipe off everything you take with you before you go, so if you have to drop it you wont have finger prints on it. You'll also need a bag, preferably a sort of "compresson" bag, that can be folded up very small, but can open out to be big, and can compress anything you put in it.. (for running, its more convenient to carry small things..) DDD Inconspicuity. You'll also want to look inconspicous.. ie, dont wear a trench coat, dark glasses, and dont look around neverously.. If you are going during the day, think about the situation, and what would look best.. If you are goin to, for instance, break into something in an office building, if you're old enough (see Disguises) If not, go in the best looking clothes you can find. If you're going at night, wear dark clothes, but not all black, all black gives you an major outline, I'd suggest some black, with ark and light shades of gray, try to look as normal as possible, while still being hard to spot. It looks better if you get caught if you are dressed close to normally, instead of Black, Camo, and Kaki. Gray and Black look more 'fashonable' to the pigs then black and camo, or camo and kaki, which appear more 'sneaky' and put forth the 'uh-oh, this guy is up to no good..' image. It also looks better if you get caught if you dont have any weapons on you. (Trust me). You shouldn't really need any.. Unless you're breaking into like an Iranian Camp or something.. Next, if the place you are breaking into is like in the woods (say a nice country home, during the winter, when the owners aren't there.. (hey, great idea LG!)) and there is a road or path leading to it.... TAKE THE PATH OR THE ROAD! It's harder to pick out foot prints or any kind of evidence on a well traveled path or road then it is to find a scrap of clothing torn off and to see a guy running from the scene with mud all over him self.. ('Gee officer, I'm just a sloppy eater'). It also makes it easier, and faster to get in and out of. DDD Planning ahead. ALWAYS plan ahead if you are actually breaking into a building. Don't wait until you are inside to find out that the doors dont have handles on the inside.. (are you breaking into the back seat of a police car??) If it is at all possible, try to get a tour of the building first, or at least go through the inside or something like that. Note all cameras, exits, security gaurds and stations and such. If its not possible to go through the building, take pictures of the outside, and try to get blue prints, just like in the movies, air shafts can be really useful in real life. Study the pictures you take, look for exits, entrances, air shafts, (Camera's on the outside?), security guards and stations, etc. Plan a way to get past each of these. (See the section on security devices and obsticales). DDD Security devices & Obsitcales. This file is getting bigger than I expected (it was supposed to be rather small) so I wont go into ALL the details on these, but here's some anyway. First off all, there are many types of key card/push button type locks out there (you know, you enter a digit or slide a card through and it opens the door or whathaveyou).. Well, the best thing for the simple digit ones is MacGyver's trick - put dust on them, and you can see which keys are used the most, or last, or whatever. Several things can make this idea not work. 1. The code(s) use all the keys. 2. There are MANY codes. 3. Its a new security system. 4. It requires more than one key to be pressed at once. And some others. Anyway, if it requires a card, steal one, or you're shit out of luck. Locks: There are many many files on pyou can find one if you dont already know. Cameras: A lot of MacGyver type tricks will work with these too. If its a camera that just records things to see later, and doesnt show a live human, then you're in luck.. just about anything can be done... You can walk up to it with a medium size mirror in front of your face, (bigger than your head and preferably large enough to cover part of your torso, but not TOO big.. and not an expensive one..) Then once you get close, leave the mirror sitting directly in front of it.. or approach it however you wish (walk under it, wait till it turns away, whatever) then just bash it, or in some other way disable it (pull some wires, or if its lame enough to have a tape in it, steal it.. (free tape!), steal the whole camera.. whatever). Chain link fences: Cut them with ordinary wire cutters, preferably cut the fence, then leave the cutters, or even more preferably, take the cutters back to your car.. Electric Fencing: I haven't had much experience with this, but I'm sure you can find a way around it.. (wire cutters w/ rubber handles... whatever). Barded wire on top of chain fences... Simple solution : MacGyver : Throw a denium jacket, or a tarp or something of the kind over it. Be sure not to leave prints on it if you leave it there, or just take it with you... (For further reading see: LOD/H Technical Journal File #5 of 10 (Issue #2)> DDD Disguises & Alibis Well, I havent dealt much with disguises, but I'll tell you what I can.. First of all, as mentioned before, if you are doing something out in public, you do NOT want to wear a 'disguise'. You want to look as inconspicous as possible, but as concealable as possible. That's it. Well.. ok, just scan through the above, and you'll find some more tips.. Also, if you have any supplies, I suggest getting a black flight back (not the shiny kind) to keep everything in, that way no reflections.. if you paint knives or guns or anything, use that sort of dull paint so things dont reflect. DDD Locks Master Locks: How to get the... 1st number. Get out any of the Master locks so you know what's going on. 1: The handle part (the part that springs open when you get the combination), pull on it, but not enough so that the knob won't move. 2: While pulling on it turn the knob to the left until it won't move any more. Then add 5 to this number. Congradulations, you now have the 1st number. 2nd number. (a lot tougher) Ok, spin the dial around a couple of times, then go to the 1st number you got, then turn it to the right, bypassing the 1st number once. WHEN you have bypassed. Start pulling the handle and turning it. It will eventually fall into the groove and lock. While in the groove pull on it and turn the knob. If it is loose go to the next groove; if it's stiff you got the second number. 3rd number. After getting the 2nd, spin the dial, then enter the 2 numbers, then after the 2nd, go to the right and at all the numbers pull on it. ill eventually open if you did it right. If can't do it the first time, be patient, it takes time. And whaddya know, this actually works. Tumblers.. (Picking Locks): As for your very first step, I'd suggest obtaining a copy of a lockpicking manual. Block characters are no substitute for a good drawing. I got "Lock Picking Simplified" for about $5 from the Parallex Corporation (address listed at end of file), and I'll admit that I ripped-off a lot of it's info, BUT NOT ALL! You will really use it. In case you don't already have a copy, which would be dumb reading this file, your first step is to get familiar with how a pin-tumbler lock operates. The pin-tumbler, from now on referred to as just "lock", is made up of a series of spring- loaded pins which are divided at specific places according to the key. A rough drawing follows: tumblers ZD? 1 2 3 4 5 Where: 3v@DDBDBBDBBDBBDBBDBDDD? 3vvvv3/33/33/33/33/3vvv3 / is a pin-spring CDDDD4/C4/C4/C4/C4/CDDD4 H is the top pin shear line->CDDDD4HC4HC4HC4HC4HCDDD4 and v is the bottom pin (front)->FMMMM5vF5vF5vF5vF5vFMMM5 CDDDDADAADAADAADAADADDD4 3vZDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDY @DY Of course, this drawing is best I can do without real graphics, but it is basically true to form. Also, keep in mind that the top pins are not cut evenly, for obvious reasons. The top pins of every tumbler must be above the shear line in order for the lock to open. This rules out just stuffing a rod into the lock; that's just on TV. The job of the locksmith is to align each tumbler separately, one at a time. When all tumblers are aligned, the lock will open. So, what do you use to accomplish this? There are really only two tools that are needed to unlock such a simple lock. They are referred to as a "feeler pick" and a "torsion wrench". Their crude representations are below. CDD 1'DDD4 B UMMMMMMMMM 3 -sharpened tip 3 390-120x 3 at about 60x 3 3 3 3 3 "torsion (same 3 "feeler pick" 2'3 wrench" scale)3 3 3 : 3 3 : MMMM; 3 3 : : -curled grip A 3 HMMMMM< (side view of wrench) (top view of pick) These simple tools can be fashioned out of almost any strong steel wire or rod you might have around the home. I made em paper-clip's metal grips. After bending them straight, I pounded the top of the torsion wrench until it fit into my door lock. I did this with the top half of the pick as well, making sure they both were long and skinny enough to work the lock. Be careful in choosing your metals! Copper might pound easy, but it also breaks easy, too. And, choose a rod that is *strong* ! Some locks are picky (ooooooh, sorry). Once you've got the tools you need, find yourself a lock that you can practice on. Obviously, the less tumblers it has, the easier it is to pick. Get one you have a key for. How do you pick a lock? There is one shortcoming of pin tumbler locks that aid their being picked: ONE OF THE PINS WILL CATCH ON THE SHEAR LINE BEFORE THE OTHERS. You will feel the plug turn ever so slightly. All you do is keep pressure on your torsion wrench while you work on the next pin. Take a look at the lock you're trying to pick. Insert the flattened end of the torsion wrench into the side opposite the pins. The torsion wrench provides the turning power needed to open the lock. Now with your pick, move the first pin up and down until it clicks into place (*be sure to keep applying pressure with your wrench!*). Then, work your way to the back of the lock, clicking each pin into its place. When you get to the last pin, the lock should "give". Your torsion wrench will turn, and the lock is opened. Of course, you will find that some locks are easier to open than others. Some easy locks include key-in-knob locks, padlocks, and other cheaply-made locks. Harder to pick are automotive locks, deadbolts, and vending-machine locks, for which you need special picks (but if you get 'em, you're in luck!). Experiment with each to see what you can do. That's about all you need to know in order to open most every lock. For those of you who wish to go beyond the "entertainment purposes" of this file, you can recieve a copy of "Lock Picking Simplified" from Parallex (listed below) for about $6.00. For those of you who hate making your own tools, a complete set of lock picks and a locksmithing guide are available to the public from Beckman Associates for $29.95. Both prices exclude postage and handling. The addresses are: Parallex Corporation Beckman Associates 1285 Mark Street P.O. Box 2266 Bensenville, IL 60106 South Hackensack, NJ 07606 Phone: 1-800-323-3233 (free catalog) ($1.00 catalog) DDD Disclaimer The author of this file, the files used in this file, the memebers of API, the boards API distributes to, or his file, and ideas you get from reading it, or any results of reading it. Further more the aformentioned people take no responsibility for an illegal actions, helped, encouraged, or taught by/with/of this file. (figure that out) This file was meant for educational uses only (ahem).. and no actions should be taken because of anything you've read here. (ahem). Remeber: Breaking and entering is, after all, a crime. "Who Cares?" DDD Conclusion Bibliography Files: Phrack Inc, Volumn 1, Issue 1, Phile 6 of 8. "How to Pick Locks" - The ENTERminator. The Terrorist's Handbook. LOD/H Technical Journal #5 of 10, Issue #2 "Mailbox Shopping" - The Null Space Kid This has been an API production. Call Solsbury Hill ][ - Sysop: Laughing Gas - Home of API. Final notes: I was planning on including some legal statistics, and information on what will happen when you get busted for various things, how many people do get busted for various things, etc... but I dont have the fucking time right now... so if you are interested in that kind of information get in contact with me.. and if I get a good enough response, I'll write up something on it. Also, Saturday Knight is writing a killer file on Lockpicking and breaking and entering and such as we speak, (or as I type), I suspect it will have QUITE a bit more than this one, and will be QUITE a bit more useful.. look for it.. distributed by API... Long live the RSC (Rainbow Sherbert Coaliation). **END** .