:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*: :* =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= *: :* = = *: :* = (---- Advanced Revenge ----) = *: :* = = *: :* = Thought of and written by: = *: :* = ___ _____ = *: :* = !he !empest = *: :* = (Thanks to: The Walker) = *: :* = [E]astern [S]oftware [P]irates = *: :* = = *: :* = Call: Underground ESPionage..............609-983-FOXY = *: :* = Call: Middle Earth BBS System............609-795-RAFT = *: :* = = *: :* =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= *: :*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*: So you saw this on your local Cat-Fur - AE - BBS line and you had nothing better to do than download it? And you have some asshole neighbors that you would like to get even with? The kind who have that dog that barks his ass off all night...or the ones who always complains about you playing your stereo to loud...or the ones whose car you've wanted to blow up, but you're not anarchistic enough? Well, then this is for you! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First you have to wait until they go away on vacation, or if you don't want to wait that long then you have to do it after they go to bed. After you have a time set, you have to have the following parts: 1 Beige box [see file by the Exterminator and the Terminal Man] 1 Small speaker 2 wires with aligator clips on the ends 1 White box [only is your beige box doesn't have dialing capibilities] 1 canister of Mace (optional) 1 flashlight Now go to the house when it is dark...wear: black clothing and sneakers (in case you gotta run for it!). And have some mace to fend off the neighborhood dogs and the flash light. Ok now that that you're all set: find the place on your neighbors house where the fone line is connected. Now take the cover off the box and you should see a couple poles with red and green wires connected to them and going into the house. Take the wires of the beige box and and connect them to the poles and you should get a dial tone...Now you must dail the number for time on the other side of the U.S. (you must have this number before hand, and you can get it from some sysop of a BBS that is FAR away). The stupid service will keep giving the time untill you hang up...so what you must do is take the other wires with the alligator clips and connect the ends to the speaker and the poles where the Beige box is connected...now when you unconnect the Beige box....there will still be a connection...so your neighbor will get charged for it! Another way to do it is to have a someone you know thru the modem be at a 'off the beaten path' pay fone, and you can call that and he will leave the fone off the hook, and hopefully it will stay that way for a while. It will be best to get the the rig off your neighbor's house the next night...so they don't find it! Or if they are there in the morning...make sure you get it before they try to call out! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other fun thing's to do: 1> Go to their house night after night when they are asleep and use your Beige box to phreak with a real OLD MCI number! They will probably get traced and busted...this is best if you know they have a computer and a modem! 2> Make a Black Box and connect it to their line, but make it as small as possible so it is not noticed untill the Bell guy comes to check why the people fone rings for hours on end and busts the people for defrauding AT&T. 3> Record some Blue Box tones...or take one to the house...and Blue Box from their line with the Beige box, it will work especially well if you live in an ESS switching system (traced in UNDER A SECOND when a 2600 hertz tone is out of place ANYWHERE!) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= If you have some other cool idea of what to do to your neighbors w/ a Beige box, contact me at Middle Earth or Underground ESPionage (numbers at top).  .