_____________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | The Book of Destruction Part II | | | | Anti-Personnel Grenades Brought to you by | | | | Jack the Ripper | | | | Call Fraudulent Fortress 713-879-7084 | | | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Introduction ------------ We will discuss in this article nerve gas grenades, impact grenades, and delayed timing grenades. You should be able to prepare and arm a very lethal device after reading this article. The types of grenades you will learn how to make are to be treated as lethal weapons for your enemys, and not docile toys to play with. Disclaimer ---------- I take no responsibility for the actions of the end user. I am only using my right to freedom of the press, and freedom of speech. Safety Precautions & Rules to Follow ------------------------------------ 1) Never look at any explosive ever when it is ignited. 2) Handle all the chemicals in this article with gloves and safety goggles. 3) Remember these are advanced operations, and not for the amatuer. Impact Grenades --------------- These are devices that when thrown explode on impact. I will discuss a variety of impact grenades with varying strengths. The basic form of impact grenade we will be dealing with will be instantaneous, and come about from the mixture of two chemicals, so don't mix them directly together. You may watch or test the reation to satisfy you curiousity, but less than a gram is advised for a test medium. The strongest reation that will come about is from the mixture of curium and water, wheras the weakest will come about from sodium. More on the chemicals will be discussed later at the end of this. The main point of that we will focus on primarily at this time will be the process involved. Materials --------- Coil of strong tension wire (Variation) Sodium A glass jar Steel pipe PVC Pipe larger than the steel one (optional) Steel or Lead shot (optional) Sharp Rocks or Hard Crystal Formations The pipe can be obtained at any good hardware store, and you will need to also get caps for the ends of the pipes. The steel pipe should fit down inside of the PVC pipe leaving room for the steel or lead shot to be packed inbetween the two pipes. The glass jar should also fit down inside the steel pipe rather loosley leaving a little space. Also note that the explosive device can be made without the PVC pipe or the BB's. Also an added note the steel or lead shot is bought at gun stores for reloading shot gun shells, and is considerably less expensive than BB's. The sodium or other chemicals I will mention later can be obtained from any good school lab or a chemical supply house. Procedure --------- One of the caps is put onto the put on the steel pipe. Note this cap should be covered with superglue, and then screwed on tightly. The sodium is then put into a plastic baggie with a few holes in it, and packed down into the pipe. The sodium should fill roughly 2/3's of the pipe. Then you should place the glass jar filled with water down into the pipe. Now place the rocks on top of the glass jar. Now superglue, and cap on the other top. This device is now complete, but I will continue with the optional form for increased devastation. Now that the first part is armed and ready set it aside for a minute. Now fill the PVC pipe 1/3 of the way with the lead or steel shot. Next implant the steel pipe device, which is armed ino the shot in the PVC pipe. Now fill the PVC pipe up the rest of the way with the shot to just 3 inches from the top. Now glue and screw the final top on the PVC pipe, and your device is now fully armed and ready. Detonation ---------- This explodes when the water hits the sodium or other chemicals which I will mention later. This can be detonated by either throwing forcibly or by dropping off of an incline. The detonation method is by the glass jar breaking. So use your own judgement, and be careful as this device will spray massive amounts of BB's or shot, and easily kill anyone within a football feild of it in all directions, and maybe more. This means you must hide behind something big, and tough. Variations ---------- For increased explosion power you may wrap the steel pipe inside the PVC pipe with steel wire. Just take the wire, and wrap it about 3 to 6 times around the inside pipe. This causes the pipe to shatter rather than break into pieces, and this can be applied to any pipe bomb. Chemical Options with Greater Strengths --------------------------------------- Sodium and Water reaction strength violent Potassium and Water reaction strength extremely violent Rubidium and Water reaction strength Insatiably Violent Curium and Water reaction strength Hostile and Totally Destructive Notes on these combinations the Group I chemicals all react with water except for hydrogen, and litium is a mild reaction. Though I must warn you that Curium and water is the most violent explosive I have ever seen especially when used in the quarter or half pound amounts. So I am telling you that TNT doesn't even come close to the destructive power of curium and water, not even rubidium and water for that matter. These explosives are powerful, and should be treated as such. They are not toys to be used childlishly. The above device armed with a one pound curium charge could destroy a whole floor in a mall or at least kil everyone in there. Notes ----- Notes are with stronger variations a safe throwing distance cannot be established. So one may detonate remotly, either by putting it in a tree, and pulling it to the concrete with a rope or using a plastic bag, and a small fuse to melt through the bag spilling out the water. Diagram ------- ------------------------------------------------------------- [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] [%%%-----------------------------------------------------%%%] [%%%| | | ##############################|%%%] [%%%| | Water | ##############################|%%%] [%%%| | | ##############################|%%%] [%%%-----------------------------------------------------%%%] [%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%] ------------------------------------------------------------- Diagaram Key ------------ % = Lead or Steel Shot # = Chemical (sodium, etc...) | = Walls of Inner Steel Container - = Sides of Containers both Steel and PVC [ = Ends of PVC Secondary Container ] = Ends of PVC Secondary Container Nerve Gas Grenades ------------------ These devices will explode from a build up of pressure of the nerve gas, and thus neurotoxin will be forced rapidly outward. These are excellent for terminating large crowds of spread out people. This is because if the shrapnel doesn't get them the gas will. These are very deadly even more so than an impact grenade, because not only do you have to watch out for the shrapnel you also have to watch out for the gas. We will discuss two versions of this (a) exploding and (b) non-exploding. Materials --------- Cyanide Sulphuric Acid or Clorox Ammonia or Uranium 238 Flouric Acid and Two Glass Jars Pipe that the jars fit in loosley. Uranium 238 can be obtained from some school labs, and also from colarado where it is mined. It is not lethally or even harmfully radioactive in most cases, however it does occasionally contain some radiation. The flouric acid and sulphuric acid again can be either ordered from a chemical supply house or stolen from a school. As for the cyanide some phramacies carry it as it is used in the treatment of sickle cell enemia and it is given to children. If not order it from a chemical supply warehouse, and specify for medicinal purposes. The Ammonia and Clorox well those two are sold in any half-ass grocery store. Procedure --------- For the nonexploding version take a pipe, and drill several small holes in it about 30 (very small). Then place the two reactive substances in the two glass jars. Now place them in the pipe, and leave about 3 inches between them. For the exploding version seal the pipe up, and superglue the caps on. Also note do not drill holes in this version. Thats it now you have either a exploding or non-exploding version of a nerve gas grenade Detonation ---------- These can be thrown to detonate or detonated in a similiar way to the impact grenades if you are being cautious. Variations ---------- Clorox and Bleach (Poisonious and can burn your lungs rougly lethal with 5 or 6 breaths) Uranium and Flouric Acid (Extremely lethal 1 or 2 breaths painful death. If U235 is obtained and used it is a radioactive green gas cloud of poison) Cyanide and Sulphuric Acid (Extremely lethal 1 part to the million kills, this smells funny too. It takes a coke can of cyanide and acid to gas a mall and the nearby parking lot) These toxins are very lethal and can kill the largest adult. The cyanide version is by far the most lethal and then comes the radioactive U235 concoction. The clorox and ammonia are lethal and easy to make. You can experiment and watch the reation pour ammonia and clorox on th ground, and observe. The gas is thick and white, so i is easily avoided. Notes ----- These weapons are best when they are not exploding. They sure as hell beat the shit out of tear gas, and are very effective when thrown into a house or cave where someone your after might hide out. The materials in these like the uranium can be in rock form and still work. However powdered works best. Although everything is now all fine and dandy be careful, as you could easily be gased or burned. Also note that clorox and ammonia is extremely volitile and unstable, so be extra careful there. Another note is that the Cyanide mixture is more commonly known as cynogen and was used by the Germans in WWII. They used a teaspoon of cyanide and acid for an entire gas chamber of 100 or more people. This just proves the lethal effects it has, and that a small quantitiy like a coke can could wipe out an entire mall. Diagram ------- ======================================================== | |----------------------| |----------------------| | | | Activating Agent (A) | | Activating Agent (B) | | | | Example Clorox | | Example Ammonia | | | |----------------------| |----------------------| | ======================================================== Diagram Key ----------- = = Walls of Pipe - = Walls of Glass Jar | = Walls of Pipe or Glass Jar Delayed Timing Grenades ----------------------- These types of devices will give you a little more time than the impact grenade, and also they will give your enemy more time to run likewise. These devices are just as dangerous as impact grenades except for the fact that instead of you instantly being blown to bits you will be blown up a few minutes later. Althougth these devices are not as powerful as impact grenades they still can kill you or preferably someone else. We will discuss Delayed Timing Grenades with and without fuses, and we will be using a variation of charges for the explosive device. So on with how to make more powerful charge than just gunpowder. Materials --------- Potassium Chlorate Powdered Charcoal Aluminum Powder Sulfur or Sodium Chlorate Powdered Charcoal Aluminum Powder Sulfur or Zinc Dust Sulfur or Potassium Nitrate Aluminum Powder Sulfur and Steel Pipe w/caps for the end Superglue Plastic Baggies Powered Drill Fusing Candle or Paraffin First off the fusing can be obtained at any good model rocket store. The green waterproof fusing is the best. The drill can be bought at a hardware store or taken from dad's garage. Plastic Baggies those you can get at a store or moms kitchen. The superglue and pipe can be obtained at any good hardware store. Sulfur and Potssium Nitrate (Salt Peter) can be obtained at almost any pharmacy. Charcoal can be gotten from grinding up charcoal brickets. Aluminum Powder, Zinc Dust, Potassium Chlorate, and Sodium Chlorate must be bought at a chemical supply house or they can be stolen from your local chemistry lab. Procedure --------- O.K. The mixing ratios will be discussed when I go over variations, but the general process is prescribed now. First drill a hole in one of the caps large enough for the fuse to go through it. Then screw and superglue the cap without the hole it on one end of the pipe. Next put the plastic bag down in the pipe, and run the fuse through the cap into the bottom of the pipe. Now pour in the charge into the plastic bag which is in your pipe. Now tie off the end of the plastic baggie, with just the fuse sticking out. Now screw and superglue the cap on. Now drip wax around the base of the fuse so it wont come loose when you throw it. Detonation ---------- To detonate this device it should be obvious enough. You light the fuse, and throw it. Variations ---------- 65% Potassium Chlorate 10% Powdered Charcoal 15% Aluminum Powder 10% Sulfur and 65% Sodium Chlorate 10% Powdered Charcoal 15% Aluminum Powder 10% Sulfur The sulfur charcoal and aluminum may be ground up together. This will better mix them together. Then the chlorate is added in, and it should be put in a shaker, and shook up. This shouldn't be ground after the chlorate is added in unless you like being burnt! The ratios should be experimented with to find the ratios that work best for you. 50% Zinc 50% Sulfur This composition is known as green goddess, and must be thourghly mixed. Shake this mixture until it is all one uniform color a sort of grey. 45% Potassium Nitrate 45% Aluminum Powder 10% Sulfur This is an excellent nitrate compound, and should be mixed until it is all one uniform color a silver-grey. Notes ----- Whenever mixing things of this sort it is always best to experiment around with different ratios. Also the reason this is put into a plastic baggie is because that is common procedure for safety. See some chemicals react with metals, and some will react with the pipe. These are high explosives, and should be treated with caution. Diagram ------- [=======================================================] [-------------------------------------------------------] [--CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC--] +++++++++CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC--] + [--CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC--] + [-------------------------------------------------------] + [=======================================================] + * * * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++* * * * * Diagram Key ----------- + = The fuse = = The sides of the pipe - = Represents the plastic baggie C = The explosive charge [ = The ends of the pipe ] = The ends of the pipe * = The burning fuse after it is lit General Overall Notes --------------------- Well now this is the end of my Anti-Personnel Grenades file. Follow all of the rules of safety, and be careful. We don't want our Phreak Community to plummet due to a loss of life or limbs. Also remember that the ratios should be experimented with on the Delayed Timing Grenades. Another point is that all the Nerve Gas Grenades and Impact Grenades are in a 50/50 ratio. In other words half and half. Also be careful live long and don't get caught. Also note that this is written by the Jack the Ripper of 713, and not one of the other Jack the Rippers running around town. Later... Jack the Ripper  .