_ _______________________ | | | | | _____________________ | | | | | | Beating the Library | | | _____________________ | | | | | | Written by: | | | | | | The Ramsacker | | | _____________________ | | | | | | Pieces of Eight | | | Kracking Publishers | |_|_______________________| Have you ever been fined by the library for bringing back materials past their due date and felt that it was just a bunch of bullshit? Well, now you can permanently check books out from the library without having to pay for them. Method 1: Walk into the library with a backpack containing a notebook and some other book (what book it is doesn't matter). Find the books you want and some other books you don't want, then go back to your seat. Open everything up and pretend that you are studying and taking down notes in the notebook. After a while, start packing up, but put the books you want to keep in your backpack. Return the other books back to the shelf. Pick your backpack up and walk out of the library. If someone stops you on the way out and asks you to return the books that you took then apologize and say that you took them absent-mindedly (be sincere). Try it again another time. This will not work if the library has a security system that detects books that haven't been properly checked out. Refer to "Deterring Book Security" to bypass this obstacle. The problem with this first method is that it may take too long, depending on how much time you're willing to spend "studying" to make it look legitimate. The next method is much faster. Method 2: Obtain the complete address of someone you don't like that lives near you. Go to the library clerk and ask for a new library card. If she asks you if you already have one, say no. You may need to be older to get a library card on your own so tell the clerk that you are 18 if she asks. When she asks you to fill out the temporary card, use the name and address of your favorite enemy. The clerk may then check the address to make sure you did not give any false information (such as an address that does not exist). You will then get a temporary card that you can use that very day. Find the books you want and check them out. Use the card for about a month before you throw it away. The library will get itchy after a month and may start asking you about your overdue books and may not let you check anymore out. In the meantime, however, your enemy will receive his new library card along with a bill for all of his overdue books. One possible problem that may arise when attempting this method would lie in the fact that some libraries might require you to show proof of identification. This can be overcome by attaining the I.D. of your enemy using some devious plot. Deterring Book Security Some libraries have security systems that beep when you try to walk out of the library with a book that hasn't been properly checked out. These systems rely on a magnetic strip that is inserted into the binding of the book. When a book is checked out, it is bumped against a machine that de-magnetizes the strip, thus allowing the book to pass through the security system. When the book is checked in, it is bumped against a different machine that magnetizes the strip, so if an attempt is made to walk away with the book, the alarm will sound. These security systems are easy to spot. They consist of two rectangular columns, each about five feet tall, on either side of the entrance with one dividing column in between. The two rectangular columns have silver squares covering the inner sides of them. In order to bypass the security system, you must remove the magnetic strip from within the book's binding. The easiest way would be to check the book out and do it in the privacy of your own home, then check it back in and wait for it to be re-shelved, but it can be accomplished inside the libpary. Pick the book up and look in between the spine (side cover) and the binding. You should see a metal strip glued to the inside. Take a flathead screwdriver and scrape it from the book. This can be done fairly quick. Don't hang on to the strip. It's magnetized! If you walk out with it in your possession, it will still trigger the alarm. Throw it on top of a bookshelf or in a waste-paper basket. You might want to have fun with it by putting it in some lady's purse. Put the book in a backpack or something so that you don't look suspicious walking out of the library with a book you didn't walk in with. The magnetic strip will not always be located in the spine of the book. You may sometimes find it on the inside of the back cover, or anywhere else, depending on how far the library will go in order to keep it hidden from you. Look under and inside the card pocket and on the inside of each cover. The worst place it can be is inside the spine because its a bitch to remove and is hard to see. Also, the magnetic sensor may not always be a strip. It can be a small, black circle or a white square that looks like it has a solder schematic underneath it. Just use common sense. If it looks like it might be a magnetic marker, take it off. This same security method is used in book stores, except that the metal strip will instead be inserted between two pages near the middle of the book. Find the strip and discard it. Then put the book in a bag or something and casually walk out. Now you can create your own personal library where you won't get fined for overdue books! -------=====[]=====------- ________________________________________________________________ | | | DISCLAIMER: This textfile is provided for educational purposes | | only and the author cannot be held responsible for | | any misuse of the information contained within it! | |________________________________________________________________| The Ramsacker July 23, 1988 4:57 AM X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X Another file downloaded from: NIRVANAnet(tm) & the Temple of the Screaming Electron Jeff Hunter 510-935-5845 The Salted Slug Strange 408-454-9368 Burn This Flag Zardoz 408-363-9766 realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 415-567-7043 Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 415-583-4102 Tomorrow's 0rder of Magnitude Finger_Man 415-961-9315 My Dog Bit Jesus Suzanne D'Fault 510-658-8078 New Dork Sublime Demented Pimiento 415-566-0126 Specializing in conversations, obscure information, high explosives, arcane knowledge, political extremism, diverse sexuality, insane speculation, and wild rumours. ALL-TEXT BBS SYSTEMS. Full access for first-time callers. We don't want to know who you are, where you live, or what your phone number is. We are not Big Brother. "Raw Data for Raw Nerves" X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X .