::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : : : Niffty Ideas For When Your Bored : : : : Brought to you by: : : : : Night Scout : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Record Revenge -------------- One day when you and a friend are bored make a strong electromagnet that will fit in a coat pocket then go into a record store and make like your shopping picking up the tapes putting them back and if you made the electomagnet strong enough when you walk by the tapes should erase, you can do the same to video tapes causing the store to loose money. Windows ------- On a cold day take some rubber cement( the flammable kind) and go to someone's house of whom you donot like put some rubber cement on the window, better if you do it to a bay window, light it and leave. The window should crack. Parked Cars ----------- If you find a car with its doors unlocked, especially at night go in turn on the lights and leave, next morning the person will be pissed cause of his stupidity to leave the lights on all night Bike Track ---------- During the summer get together with some friends who have bikes(normal dirt, not mechanical) and ride through people yards if you do this frequently then the grass will ware away and you have a niffty little track. Light Bulbs ----------- Go up to someone's house and take out as many light bulbs as possible in one night without being caught, be imaginative with your uses for them. Trash ----- Around spring cleaning time when people throw alot of stuff away. Go out and get stuff like carpet, televisions, tables, chairs, and set them up as if to make a room right outside on their front lawn. Painting -------- If your mark lives in a single story house get some black spray paint and paint all the windows. Make paint bombs and throw at house for nice abstract painting effect. The bombs are easy to make and there are a couple of ways to make them. One way is to take baggies and put paint inside close tightly then throw or you can take milk cartons (small ones like at school) drink the milk pour in paint reglue it and throw, these are excellent to throw at parked cars from a moving car. Florecent orange is great and if the people don't really look harder to see on a white hose compared to black paint not to mention the fun at night when their house starts to glow. Barf ---- Barf is fun to use too and fake barf is more easier to obtain. Here is a recipe for it that works well. Put all these things into a container, baggie(zip-lock) in unlimited proportions. Whipped cream, special K, grapes, Hershey's Chocolate Syrup, maple syrup, dish detergent, and a little warm water. Zip-lock it and shake it should look brownish in color and smell awlful. Go to your marks house and dump on the front door, try to get inside of screen, even more fun if the front door is open. Delivery Services ----------------- I know this kid who's a real ass and he works at a pizza shop so me and a friend ordered a pizza to this house. When he delivered it we threw rocks and stuff at him. Obstacles --------- Get some fishing line, 20pound test kind. Go up to someone's house and tie it around their railing, at ankle level, and other things like trees, bushes and something loose like lawn furnichure. Then go up to their house and get them to chase you, What fun! Fireworks --------- Get some bottle rockets and aim them right at your marks bay window, light. Make a match stik bomb(end of file) and light on someones porch. Ring bell and run. Swimming Pools -------------- If your mark has a swimming pool get an awe and puncture the side of it as close to the ground as possiable or maybe add some bubble bath to it ot if you want to be really fuckin tight. Get hold of some acid preferablly hydochloric get the higher molar soulution you can then one night, right before the have a pool party dump it in, it is going to take a lot but it will be worth it tommarrow when they go in and a few minutes later they feel really hot and their skin starts falling off. If anybody out there has gotten HCl on them and remember how it felt, think of it all over somebody. Woodpiles --------- The bigger they are the better they fall. Get some friends together and have them line up along the pile. On the count of three push then get the hell out of there. Whatever you do at night have fun doing it and don't get caught. Some recommendations, learn the yards around your neighborhood, knowing who has a dog is useful too, learn to identify cars (cops, marks). Never chicken out if someone in your group gets caught and you get away, have a set up where if the mark takes the person in the house, have everyone else throw rocks at the house so the person can escape. If someone starts chasing you, get them to chase you behind peoples houses then lead them to where you know there is a wood pile. knock it over and keep running, chances are that if there are a bunch of kids chasing you the guy will come out and assume they knocked over his wood pile and fuck them over. Later. Matchstik bomb -------------- It is not a bomb that blows up but is more of a flare. Go to a store like CVS or Pathmark and buy some matches(they come in boxes and are about 43cents each) rip apart package saving the cardboard box. Get some good sharp siccors and cut just below the match head, do this to the whole package putting heads in cardboard box. Get a container and put them in there. I'll use a tennis ball with a hole poked in it, get a fuse or take an old shirt rip into little strips and substitute. Put the fuse in the hole and pour in matchheads, you may need 2 or more boxes. Pack them tightly, then dump some lighter fluid on the fuse ,light and get away. You can put tape around the hole so matchheads won't fall out. .