Being a Public Enemy of your Neighborhood by Excursionist 8/3/89 In the past, I have seen sevaral Anarchy Magazines and anarchy text files that cover everything from blowing up sea gulls to making poisons from household plants. They are all well written and useful for the everyday anarchist, but they lack something. Realism. I'm not saying all these texts are unrealistic, but a lot of them are. Once I stumbled across a g-file entitled "WIPEOUT.BOX" which went into great depth to describe how to eliminate all the people in your neighborhood. The required materials for this box were: 1 cargo airplane, 1 nuclear warhead, and piloting skills. I do not know why the author of that text file even bothered to load up his text editor to write something so utterly stupid as that. This is why I am writing this file.... So an everyday person like me who doesn't work for METLEX Explosives & Research Company can create havok within his/her neighborhood. The required materials are things you can find around your house. Fourth of July in the middle of winter: [1] 1 - ? gallons of regular, unleaded, or 93 Octane gasoline [2] A book of matches I believe that the title and the required elements for this scheme foreshadow the contents of this file beautifully. Here is another way to get 2+ fire trucks, 3+ squad cars, and 1 ambulance to your neighborhood within 10 minutes. But before I continue any further, I would like to once again emphasize that some neighborhoods are now being patrolled from 1:00 - 5:00 am so choose your timing wisely. Now, on to the better part of this file. Get away from your house undetected by all. I do mean all; your best friends are included because even they might ratt on you if they're suspected/caught for your doings. Then you may proceed to journey to your neighborhood swimming pool by any means of transportation. Use your discretion though. Get into the pool area and empty the gasoline into the pool. Don't just dump it into one area. Spread it evenly all over the water. Then, step back about 5 paces, strike a match, and throw it into the swimming pool. Do what ever is necessary after that, like running away, hiding, etc. You get the idea. For those that are mentally weak and need explaining, I shall do so now. Due to the nature of gasoline, it floats on just about any type of water. [Hard, soft, etc.] If you do what I have just described during the winter season, the pool water will be cold, and cold water tends to stay at the bottom. So once you empty the gas into the pool, it will float on top without mixing with the chlorinated water. In this state - as we all know - it will burn until the supply is exhausted. This is a fairly simple [almost ridiculously simple] way to cause panic in your living area. Don't do it too often though. If you do, every geek on your street will be doing it, making the pool un-swimable. Plus you will get caught sooner or later. ******************************************************************************* This file is for every adventure seeker who wants more out of life - I know I do. But that is not to say that I don't have a life. My life is probably something out of your wildest phantasies. Enjoy. ******************************************************************************* phile #2 of the Nuisance series .