Being a Public Enemy of your Neighborhood by Excursionist 8/12/89 Well, this is the final file of the Nuisance Series. I've been hassled by two people so far because of this series. Those people can suck my dick, but I just don't want to waste my time with them. If you read my previous files, you should be familiar with the pre-cautions you should take. If you didn't, tough shit. Get them. Being an Overall Asshole: [1] 1 or 2 brown, paper bags. As you can see, the required materials for this scheme are rather easy to obtain. But don't be fooled. That is not all. Has anyone ever wondered how those spinning things on houses can be used for screwing up some one's home? You know, those ventilation inlets for air conditioning. I have just invented this so it might not work, but what if a person put something that smells like shit inside those things? If this idea works, the residents of that house will be nausiated by that smell for a couple of weeks. How will they find the source of the smell? Virtually impossible to find I think. So all you have to do is take a shit in the brown bag(s). If you find that disgusting or just impossible to do, improvise. You may want to substitute the excretory wastes with something else with a strong smell. Rotten eggs and sulfur come to mind as I type this. Once you have something in the bag(s), get on the victim's roof preferably at night, and force the stuff inside. If the shaft is spinning at the time, you will have to insert a stick in one of the spaces to stop the rotation. Then you can dump the bag inside. The next obvious step is to haul ass. Yard of the Month: [1] 1 can of WD-40, piant tarnish, or something similar. I don't know about other neighborhoods, but mine has a thing where the best looking yard gets a "Yard of the Month" award. No house gets the award twice so I figure I'll have it in about 38 years when all the other houses will have already had it. I hate yardwork so my front yard looks like shit. Either way, you might get a kick out of doing this. All you have to do is spell out the words "Fuck You" or related to that on the lawn with the WD-40. It shouldn't take too long if you leave the greating short so the chances of you getting caught are slim. Eventually, what will happen is the WD-40 will kill the grass that it was sprayed upon. This will nicely show your desired message. The dead grass will be there until new grass grows over it. This may take 3 or more months if you strike in the fall or winter when growth is at its minimal. //As you can see, the above two schemes have long lasting affects. If you think of any others that I might be interested, please leave me mail on one of the boards that I'm on.\\ ******************************************************************************* This one is to my ex-girl. At first she was the best thing on earth, but later she turned into the biggest bitch in the world. Luckly, she will never see this. Enjoy everyone. ******************************************************************************* phile #3 of the Nuisance Series .