Fun things to do to an asshole's car---By Delta Burke 1) Get inside the car and run a jumper wire from the brake switch to the horn, positive side. Use heavy guage wire(12 or better) with crimp hoop type connectors to insure a good connection. This trick will result in the horn honking everytime they step on the brakes. 2) An easy one: Take the distributor cap off and either remove the rotor or pull it off and replace it in another position. Results in the car either not running or running like shit... 3) Get under the hood and re-arrange the spark plug wires. Provides many hours of amusment. 4) Loosen the slack bolt on the bracket that tightens the belt for the alternator. Move the bracket inwards an inch or two, then re-tighten the bolt. This will result in a late dead battery. 5) Place small rocks in the wheel covers of all four tires. Remember to use¨ VERY tiny ones and large ones will be noticed if they remove the covers. 6) A more dangerous trick: Loosen all the lug nuts or just take them off and replace the wheel covers. Results are pretty obvious. 7) Another good one: Place very long nails, two per side, at a 45 degree angle with the points in toward the tire. 8) Dangerous: Remove the retainer nut and bolt on the steering wheel. It is¨ usually covered by the horn, so it wont be very obvious until they try to¨ turn the car... 9) Very Cruel: Get under the car and back the oil pan plug out until it is just hanging by the last thread or two. The vibrations will back it out the rest of the way. 10) Also try the last trick with the transmission. Or better is the rear axle. There is a drain plug for the gear oil on the bottom. 11) For the gas tank: Sugar, sand or water all work VERY well for an effective trick. 12) Dead animals in the engine compartment, on or near the engine smell just wonderful when the engine warms up. Also, a fresh road kill in the spare tire space works VERY good. 13) On the same note, a live skunk in the car with the windows up almost all the way(so it wont die) will provide hours of fun. Good luck in catching that skunk. 14) Drill a series of very small holes in the exhaust line after the muffler. Or better is drilling a hole or two in the muffler itself. 15) Dangerous: Take a razor blade to the brake lines. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Delta Burke 1991 .