The Shit of Telecom Proudly Presents : Cow Tippin, Tips and Hints What NOT to Do. 1) Do NOT Tip more than one cow at the same time. 2) Do NOT get caught Tippin. 3) Do NOT go up to the person whose cow you have just tipped and say something like "SuckaH!@!@" What to do. 1) Pick your target. Make sure she is not paying attention. Also, On a side note, MAKE SURE your target is NOT a bull. There could be MAJOR problems if you attempt to tip a bull. 2) After the cow has been tipped RUN AWAY! DO NOT stay around to watch the cow get up and Moo. Also, the sound of the Cow's *THUD* WILL wake up the cow's owner. Most likely he'll come out with a shot gun, and attempt to blow your head off. 3) If you are a beginer chose a old target. One that wont get up that fast. Cow Tippin, Basics.. 1) When Tippin, Tip only one cow at a time. 2) The word "Tippin" is a bit misleading. It gives the impression you go up to a cow, and simply 'Tip It Over'. WRONG. When you cow tip, you get a group of people, and Barrel Ram into the cow. 3) Once you've tipped, dont look back. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Jiz Lobber .