- P O T T A S I U M N I T R A T E - Pottasium nitrate is a way-cool chemical compound to have. It is very easy to buy considering how much damage it can inflict. You can buy it from almost any farming supply store in OZ, and if you're a Victorian I know for fact that it can be bought at the farming supply joint at Coldstream (I know it's out in the sticks, but if you're having trouble getting it locally, go here). The benefit of buying pottasium nitrate from farming suppliers instead of chemists, is that you can buy in BULK, a good friend of mine (hi PANiC :), bought a 51kg bag of the stuff! He just told the guy at the store he was starting up a vegie patch. All you need though to keep you going for quite a long time is 1 or 2 kilos of the stuff. If you're a legend you could always try stealing it from some farm sheds, as most farmers keep a few 50kg bags of it around, I would not recommend this though as I came very close to being mauled to death by a slightly over-protective cattle dog. By now you're probably thinking "why bother?", well it's quite easy to use and makes a brilliant substitute for gun powder (as gun powder can be quite annoying to make). All you have to do is mix 50% pottasium nitrate with 50% icing sugar, and there you go. If you want a mixture that when lit produces a fuck-load of smoke then make the ratio about 40% pottasium nitrate to 60% icing sugar. For the best mixture to use for bombs (like pipe bombs, etc.) use the 50/50, but to get it perfect measure the proportions accurately with a pair of scales, light some and if it leaves a lot of black carbon shit afterwards, use less sugar. And if it doesn't burn nice and evenly, use less pottasium nitrate. Now here's some things to do with the stuff- To make really cool smoke-pots, get a post-pack tube and seal off one end with the end-plug and tape. Now fill the post pack with the 40/60% smoke mixture. Place a thick piece of paper over the top and tape around the sides of the tube so the paper is held firmly over the end, without actually taping over the top. Now take a sparkler with the excess wire cut off and push it down through the paper so it looks like a fuse sticking out. When you light the sparkler it will burn down through the paper and set the sugar/nitrate mixture off, which will then produce a fuck-load of smoke. If you do this in any large sort of building (schools for example), I guarantee the whole building will be filled up with thick, white smoke. It is interesting to note that this type of "white" smoke does not set smoke-detectors off as the carbon content in the smoke is too low (cool huh?). Bombs can be made quite effectively with the sugar/nitrate mixture as well. Pipe bombs will work. BTW if you are wondering where to buy really good quality fuse in OZ, go to a plumbing supply store and buy a few meters of safety fuse (this stuff kicks ass), it is very reliable (burns in the wet even), and has a burn ratio of 1cm per second. I have only ever heard of one person being questioned about buying fuse, and he just said that he WAS going to make bombs and if he had to make his own home-made unreliable fuse, he would. They let him buy the fuse. If you are thinking of making your own fuse (I don't know why when you can just buy it?!), take your sugar/nitrate mixture and melt it over a low heat (do this outside on your barbie, 'cause it smells) then pour it into a straw (compliments of Mac'ers), wait till it dries and it should work just fine. I have also heard that if you make a solution out of the sugar/nitrate mix and dip cotton string into it, then let it dry, it makes quite a reliable fuse. The idea of melting the sugar/nitrate mix then pouring it into a mold (a glass will do), is suppose to make it release more smoke then in the powdered form, however you'll have to test this one out. Another thing you can do is make little bombs that don't kill too many people, by using a plastic vitamin container. Drill a hole in the lid, fill the container with your sugar/nitrate mix leaving some space at the top (one strange thing I've noticed about the sugar/nitrate mix is that when making bombs out of it, it seems to work more effectively if you don't compress it and leave space in the bomb container; the opposite applies to using gunpowder), now bung the cap on, poke the fuse through the hole, tape it all up, and light the fucker! It should make quite a nice BOOM, and will cover the general area in bits of melted plastic. Ummmmm that's about all I can think of at the moment, if you come up with any other cool things to do, contact me on an anarchy board near you. ..\\orbid .\ngel =MAIM= [DiE Trial] .