:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>: : Weekend Night Terrorism : : : : Written by The Brigadier, Bothersome Gnat : : : :<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>: First you need some supplies that you can steal from you local stores. You should take some precautions before abducting stuff from the list below. ?.....BB guns (Co2 preferably) 1.....Pair of heavy-duty wire cutters ?.....Pack of firecrackers 2.....M-80's ?.....Bottle rockets 1.....fast car 1.....brief case 2.....pairs of dark sun-glasses 1.....fidora hat Now that you have the supplies you wait for a nice night. That night you take all these supplies and throw them in the brief case and tell your mom you are going over to a friends house to work on the his IBM or Apple. If your mom asks you why you have the brief case, tell her you have hard copies of spread sheets or something to that affect. Now throw the shit in the back seat and open the sun-roof in your car. Go pick up a couple of good friends and your ready to go terrorize the world! First stop...your shitty school. Take one of the M-80's and tape it to a any of the many large windows. Light the thing and get the shit out of there. As long as you have your car there might as well go ahead and drive the car up to the window your going to blow away and after you light the M-80 tear the lawn up on the way out of there. As you drive by the school shoot a couple windows out. Second stop...no-where in particular, or some residentual area you hate. As you drive up and down the street look up out of your sun-roof and find the street lights that don't have covers and shoot 5 or 6 lights out in a row. After the lights flicker off and on and finally go out, stop the car infront of a house that doesn't please the eye and launch several bottle rockets at it. Next, we are going to find garbage cans. Two will do nicely. Take the fishing line and tie one end to one of the cans, and repeat the prosess again. Then take the garbage cans and string them across the street. What happens is, some poor sapp is driving along and all of a sudden he has two garbage cans follow- ing him down the street. You can view this from you car, parked down the street with the lights off. Third stop...'Phone from car' booth. We can still do more, its only 12. Drive up and if there are cars around pretend like your dialing numbers. Then take the wire cutters and snip the receiver off and drive away. Try to get at least 1O of these. Now what the hell should we do with these? Well...How about Climbing the cemetary fence and tying them on signs and grave stones. (pretty sick.eh..) If we have any left over we could put them in mail boxes. Fourth stop...A buiness you hate. Locate a building. Very quickly blow the windows out and get the shit out of there. The building might have an alarm system. In about 1O minutes the place will be crawling with cops. You know that kid who has been the biggest dick to you..well it's time we payed a visit to his new car tires. Take the 16 pennie nails and place them under every tire. Then superglue the keyhole shut. ha ha..now he will have to take the bus to school. Last stop...Places like hotels..Late night resturants..Bowling alleys. Your friend will use the glasses and the brief case. You will use the fidora. You drop your fiend off with your other friend who looks like a body-guard and at the establishment at the front door. While your looking for a parking place they are in there looking for a place to sit. The dude with the case should sit and the body-guard should stand next to him and be constantly looking around. While the dude with the case is looking around and glancing at his watch every minute. Once you have a parking place go in threw the back door and walk around looking for you friends. He nods very big at the case dude and your friends with the case leave it there and you go pick it up. The security guard is going bananas while your doing this. And then you all leave. Make sure you have nothing illegal in the brief case or you could get busted. That is major fun! I do it about every week-end. Until next time...."Reap some havoc!" :<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>: : The Brigadier and Bothersome Gnat : : [all.... : :The Pistop (AE/CF/BBS) 10mg 300/1200/202 24hours 7days a week....504-744-7126: :<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<>:<> X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X Another file downloaded from: The NIRVANAnet(tm) Seven & the Temple of the Screaming Electron Taipan Enigma 510/935-5845 Burn This Flag Zardoz 408/363-9766 realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 510/527-1662 Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 801/278-2699 The New Dork Sublime Biffnix 415/864-DORK The Shrine Rif Raf 206/794-6674 Planet Mirth Simon Jester 510/786-6560 "Raw Data for Raw Nerves" X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X .