666 The Dead Zone 214-522-5321 300/1200/2400 666 \ / \ / \ / \ / .:|:. ------------------------------------------ | | | | @############################@ | O | | # # | o o | | # Late Night # |1 2 3 4| | # # |5 6 7 8| | # # |9 o | | # # | > 7 < | | # # | | | # # | ... | | # # | ..... | | @############################@ | ... | | | ------------------------------------------ Bothersome Gnat .... ............................ [:<><><><><><><><><><> /\/\idwest \/\/arez X-change <><><><><><><><><><><><:] //////////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ First off, you need some supplies. Such as: A car...V8 engine Steel cable, or very strong rope Fireworks..M80's,inch1/2's,rockets Heavy-duty wire cutters BB guns..2....Co2 or pump A hack-saw 16 pennie nails...2 doz. Impact Explosives...optional Otay, Now that we have all our supplies we can get out of the house and reap some havoc on your home city. Get out of the house anyway you can. Pick up some friends and snacks, pop, beer, etc... First stop <><><><><> A residentual area that you just don't seem to like. As you drive by the beautiful houses stop by every nice car that is parked in the street. Take out the M-80 and place it between the rubber seal and the window. Look around some more. If nobody is around light the fuse and get away. I suggest FAR away, and as you are darting down the street you hear a little pop as the explosives implode the cars window all over the inside of the car. Now wont that be a mess to clean up in the morning. Now find another area to check and see if the car door opens. Ah..so it does open..well..why don't you grab the cutters and cut the locks, seat belts, stearing wheel, wires under the dash board, and all those little knobs you control the heat, radio, and wipers with. Now on your way out of the car go ahead and place another M-80 with an extra long fuse in the glove conpartment. Make sure all those maps are out of there ( we wouldn't want to start a fire. ). Second stop <><><><><>< Now aren't we getting thirsty. Let go find a pop machine. Hey! what is that on the right? A phone booth? Let pay a call on it. Take the BB guns and shoot out all the windows. Next time someone makes a call from that phone boot it should be pretty hard to hear. Finally a pop machine. And look it's even in bottles. Sixty cents! Thats way to much for a pop. Tip the machine over on its front and listen smooth cruble of the bottles inside as it hits the ground. If any money falls out consider it a refund for that pop you didn't get. Third stop <><><><><> As we are passing behind our favorite hotel, but what to our wandering eyes should appear but some pop canisters filled with foamy root-beer. After passing the canisters storage location we noticed that all the canisters were gone and had mystically appeard in our truck. Hmm? So we to a parking lot in front of a small corporation. And took one of the canisters and attached it to the rear of our vehicle. Now with our master driver at the wheel we drug the canister around the local residentual district. Knocking the canister into various fire-hydrants, lightpoles, mailboxes, and other objects protruding from the earth we manage to jam the canister under some poor sapps automobile. Now repeat this procedure with the remaining canisters. Fourth stop <><><><><>< You know that supermarket that leaves the crates for milk and stuff out on the docks. Well as long as we have the cable go ahead and slide the cable threw all 50 of the crates and twist the cable on the last crate. Now jump in our verhicle and slowly drive away. Now that all 50 of the crates are skipping and smashing into things behind you go ahead and her some gas. Lets whip around that turn coming up and smack that car. Now find an intersection with no cops and stop in the middle. One of your friends jumps out cuts the cable and jumps back in. As you drive off you notice 40 or 50 crates in the intersection have hit several cars fairly hard. (gosh, wonder if the crates are alright? ) Fifth stop <><><><><> A golf course. Let's turn the lights off so we can approach the course unseen. (most courses have a caretakers house) apoint your friends certain flags to get. (ok..mark get 1-6, Cris get 7-11, Eric get 12-18) And now Mike gets 1-18 in his front yard. Be sure to dig little holes in his front yard too. Sixth stop <><><><><> Another residentual district with lots of cars parked in the street. Park your car about a block away and walk by every car and place one nail under the front and the back of the back tires. Next morning when everyone gets in their car and then has to change the back tire. Seventh stop <><><><><><> That old school you went to and hated so much. Lets find a nice place to park. You see all those doors all the way around the building. Those doors are for people to get out in case of a fire. Well we're not going to use them like that. Check all the doors and find the door that opens the widest. (the doors have chains on the inside holding them together tight enough so nobody can get in without a hack-saw. Now let get to class on time(yeah..to saw the desks into very, very, tiny peices. Oh shit...I haven't seen the schools new computer room. Well lets go to that room. We bust the window and unlock the door from the inside. We walk inside and find 2 c-64's and 4 TRaSh 80's. Well We have some m-80's left and some bottle rockets and some inchers and a extra- long fuse. Doesn't every teacher have tape in their drawer? Yup. Tape the fireworks onto one of the 'calculators' and tie the fuse. On your way out lets smash some screens and light the fuse. Now fly down the stairs get in the car and lets go home. It is about 5:OO am and the sun is rising over the horizon. [::::::" Reap some awfully, majorlly huge, gigantic,...HAVOC!! ":::::::] Late Night Terrorism is under copyright law 85739234745.4476 the brigadier bothersome gnat \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//////////////////////////////////////// //// [all..... \\\\ \\\\ the pitstop (ae/cf/bbs) 10 megs.........504-774-7126 //// X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X Another file downloaded from: NIRVANAnet(tm) & the Temple of the Screaming Electron Jeff Hunter 510-935-5845 Rat Head Ratsnatcher 510-524-3649 Burn This Flag Zardoz 408-363-9766 realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 415-567-7043 Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 415-583-4102 Specializing in conversations, obscure information, high explosives, arcane knowledge, political extremism, diversive sexuality, insane speculation, and wild rumours. ALL-TEXT BBS SYSTEMS. Full access for first-time callers. We don't want to know who you are, where you live, or what your phone number is. We are not Big Brother. "Raw Data for Raw Nerves" X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X .