MacGyver's Anarchy Vol.5 By MacGyver (3/15/91) (taken from the Secret Two Component High Explosive Mixtures) X. Solid Nitromethane Explosives ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nitromethane can generate 30% more power than 60% dynamite. This explosive can be detonated by a No6 detonating cap. This explosive is easily prepared by mixing nitromethane into the ammonium nitrate, and allowing 3 5 min for the nitromethane to soak completely into the ammonium nitrate. Ammonium nitrate is highl ygroscopic and should be stored in a tightly sealed container before and after mixing with the nitomthane. To make a half pound quantity of explosive, 64 grams of nitromethane is poured into 160 ram of ammonium nitrate. This ammonium nitrate must be ground into fine powder. Do not let the ammoium itrate be disturbed after you have soaked it with nitromethane. When a liquid is poured into into powdered substance a caking action will result, to produce a uniform nitrate density throughut the the solid. The uniform density has a direct effect on final results. The ammonium nitrate sould alays be mixed in a rigid container. XI. Explanation of Liquid Explosives ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By MacGyver (4/1/91) Liquid explosives have many advantages over Solid explosives. The most important property with liqu explosives is that every liquid has a uniform density. Uniform density is one of the most importatfactors affecting the performance of an explosive. The less compressed the explosive, the lower desiy it achieves. With a higher density, a solid explosive loses its ability to be detonated by othe exlosives. Or in short it decreases in sensitivity to detonation with an increase in density. Alsoliqud explosives have the disguisibility advantage. They are clear or can be dyed. Nitromethane is one of the most cheapest and most safest of the organic liquids, which BP is in thmed. range of course talking about the ones used in making explosives). It can be ignited by a flae and won't explode. Nitromethane is relatively insensitive to shock at STP (standard Temperature ad ressure). But as T rises the sensitivity increases somewhat. XII. Astrolite G (l) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The world's most powerful non-nuclear explosive, with the highest detonation velocity. Astrolite G nothing to mess around with!!! This is just for those who are curious or just wanna know. Astrolit xplosives are formed when ammonium nitrate is mixed with anhydrous hydrazine. This mixture produce aclear liquid explosive called Astrolite G. If you add aluminum powder it formes Astrolite A-1-5. To ake just 1. Two parts by weight ammonium nitrate is mixed with one part by weight of Anhydrous hydrazine,roducing Astrolite G. 2. Astrolite A-1-5 is formed when 20% by weight of aluminum powder is added to the ammonium nitre before mixing with anhydrous hydrazine. The aluminum powder in the A-1-5 doesn't react with the two main components, but remains in solutiono give added power to the explosive. When it is detonated by a straight detonator the velocity of tedetonation will be reduced. A compound detonator will not decrease the detonation velocity as muchasthe straight detonator. Anhydrous hydrazine is classified and corrosive and flammable. It should e sored in a safe place away from sparks etc. Its should also be handled in a ventilated area. Ammoium itrate is an oxidizing agent and should be also stored in a safe place. Astrolite G also has good propagation properties. In addition, Astrolite has the ability to be absoed in theground while remaining detoneable. In tests, Astrolite G has remained detonable for 4 daysi the ground, even when the soil was soaked due to rainy weather!!!! One application for AstroliteG s when it is poured on the ground. It soaks into the ground, and blends with the earth. It looks ustlike a damp part of the ground. It can be detonated by a conventional electrical or mechanicallyactuted detonator. Due to its large detonation velocity, very small charges are needed for a liquidlandmne. Next time in MacGyver's Anarchy Vol.6 Things from my Favorite T.V. Show "MacGyver" I'll tell you se things he's made, and how to make them . Remember to watch those reruns and new episodes of MacGyver. The things he does work!!!!!! Untill next time This is MacGyver saying Later!! .