Misc. Written by: Jonin Meka of The Black Hand Society Here are other simple things you might like to do: 1) Enter a place with people in it and sneak up them and then totally surprise the f--k out of them while theY're sleeping. You might do this by screaming and hollering at the foot of their bed or by setting their bedroom curtain on fire and then scream and holler at the foot of their bed. Scream "Get out the house !! There is a f--king fire !!!" Also if you're horny you might decide to pretend to be the husband and molest the wife while she's sleeping. Think of the possibilities. Pretending to be the husband is my favorite because....well I'm horny. I start off by gently massaging the women's breast and then taking my other hand and venturing into beaver land ! Another thing I find enjoyable is if the the women is alone in the house I do the above but when she wakes up I simply knock her out with the stick I used to break in with. If you plan to do this be sure that as soon as she opens her eyes you give her a swift blow to the head. Don't wait for her to scream for God's sake ! After you have done this it's one for all and one for one. One more thing if you're really horny I suggest you tie her up and then wait for her to wake. Note- Do note consider this rape! It is not! It is terrorist tension relief. Also it was done under pleasant circumstances. 2) Letting the air out of people's car tires has always been fun but I prefer to blow the tires up with impact explosives better. Also I recommend blowing up the whole car. This is not only fun but it makes great reading light. May I also suggest you do the above before you read the rest of the manual. That way after you blow the car up you can sit next to a great reading light and read some more of this manual while the car burns. And finally one more thing- I love to watch the people scurrying trying to put the car out. I mean if they had any brains they would not it is impossible especially if you put a buck of Napalm in their front seat. Also I suggest you paint the ground surrounding the car with impact explosives. That way when the car blows up (or just starts on fire) as soon as the people run to the car and watch it burn they'll step on the dried explosives and blow themselves up. Note- This is really cruel but what the hell! You're a terrorist! 3) Lastly, suggest you....well fuck I'll let you create your own little goodies for you to do. I've given you a start now go out and experiment ! Note- I have lots more but I don't want to give away all my secrets. (maybe in later issues.) .