Mindless Mayhem As usual, this text file may contain some really heinous, evil, horrid, sick, disgusting, really bad, staggeringly Micheal Jackson bad, type of stuff in it. Since I'm writing this off the top of my head, with SOME prepared text, I'm not quite sure what we will discover within... Oh yeah, just to be safe, if you try any of this, and break your legs, don't come running to me. Enough said on that... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - On my board, I have a message area, which is fairly active, called 'Am I Evil', named after the <\/>etallica song. Within this bases depths, we can find many neat ideas, a few of which I will discuss in a moment. The base is pretty broad, ranging from Attacking people to Zapping people, but mostly what made text files popular all over the globe; Explosives. A popular subject in the base, Lye bombs, have gotten considerable spotlight, and I don't see why any sniveling board person can't make one. The process is simple, and what one can do with it is almost endless. Here's what you need. (1) A sheet of aluminum foil (2) An indeterminable amount of Lye (sold as Red Devil, Crystal Draino, etc.) (3) HýO. (If you cannot find this anywhere, try going outside when it rains.) Seeing that #3 isn't that much of a problem to get a hold of, or much less to find, it makes the usefulness of the bomb increase. Anyway, to go about MAKING this, all you need is to place some Lye into the center of the foil, and then fold it in, wrap it up (NWA anyone?), make it into a big crinkly ball, make little foil boats and place lye in it, etc. I'm sure if you want to you can come up with something more creative than what I've put here. Anyway, once you get the shape desired and placed your GI joe figures in it or whatever, make sure there are Some Air Holes, otherwise there won't be any water to mix and react with. Wouldn't want that to happen, would we? Lye, when mixed with foil and water, makes Pressure, and Hydrogen Gas (which by some fluke also happens to CAUSE the pressure) and can be used at leisure. Assuming you aren't cheap, have bought what you needed (or in somecases, reached under the sink and gotten what you needed) Get a glass jar or something. I also understand that a paint can next to a car (with this mixture in it) can make a cheap, effective repainting. But I'm sorry for changing the subject, let's continue. Anyhow, get a glass jar, with a screw on lid, (or snap on, but screw on works better) and then throw into a fire or something. Just don't be stupid and watch, otherwise it'll be the last thing you see for a while. However, there will be a nice cloud of fumes, gas, ash, toxic things AND shrapnel (depending on the container used), if you do happen to view it from behind a safe place. (Once, a long time ago, in an abandoned house after we had drained whip cream cans of its NýO, we had decided it would be a cool idea if we were to throw the empty cans into the fireplace (which had a LOT of ash accumlated from previous bon fires) and when the pressure built up, naturally it released, and we had to bathe after we got home.) Another neat thing to do with this is to go by an open manhole that says MEN AT WORK, and drop it in. Just listen to the sweaty mexican pipe cutting crew scream... It'd be pretty fun wouldn't it? (Dont mean to be racist , but hey, thats what they seem to be to me... screaming sweaty mexicans..) If you decide to hang around, and have a lawn chair or something and a Big Pee Wee Herman sized wad of aluminum foil ball of this stuff, you can place it in the manhole, and set a precariously lit cigarette on the edge of the hole... Note it probably WON'T work, but hey, it's a dream isn't it? Also, putting a lye bomb down a toliet and flushing it can cause disasterous effects. So only do it somewhere it doesn't matter, like School, or in the police stations John, which requires tokens now to use. -- Another nice thing to make is what I have dubbed Dust of the Gods, THERMITE Yes, Thermite, this fabled explosive can now be YOURS, with this limited time engagement found only within this text file. Yes, Thermite, the Mega-Metal-Melter, can be created in the privacy if YOUR OWN HOME, and the tools to make it are minimal! All you need is: A aluminum pipe and a file. 1) The pipe and the file are needed, for aluminum filings are required in this magical (limited time only offer order now don't delay) powder. And 2) the file serves its Dual Purpose, the Rust Scraper, which can be obtained from ANY parked car at ANY highschool. While your going at rust collecting, make sure to burglarize the car for me while you're there. Anyhow, now all you have to do is get Two parts Rust, and One part Aluminum Filings (or hey, even dust, which can be obtained thru any good paint store, such as Saxon's or something like that) As a 2:1 ratio, im not saying 2:1 buckets, nor am I saying 2:1 pinches of fairy dust. I would say 2:1 teaspoons, and that would gar-un-tee a good cajun cooking flame for anyone who decides to be sitting right in front of it when it lights. To LIGHT this, all you need is a Hot Hot HOT flame, such as A) the Radio Shack Torch B) A nice big propane Torch C) Sulfuric acid, mixed with glycerin and potassium permanganate (just a drop of acid folks! dont melt the container now!) D) a Magnesium Ribbon (if you can't find one, rip some off from your average chemistry room at school (of course, attending school is a major role in that one) And E) an average nuclear blast I'm sure you people can devise your own ways of lighting it. For sake of example, I'll explain how to make this with a common propane torch. Ok, you got your clay flower pot, (or just have it out on the cement, or on someones car hood, or on a upside down bottle of pop, etc) with the (music) Thermite (end music). Now simply ignite it by lighting the torch and placing it near the (fanfare) Thermite (end fanfare) and briskly walking away (or perhaps RUNNING away is a better idea), you look behind you and watch what happens. If placed on the hood of a car, you can see the owners Pride and Joy go down the tubes, along with it's engine block (or if its on the trunk, you can see it go up in fumes...), if on a pop bottle, you get to see ionized liquid, if on your friend, you get to smell vaporized flesh, etc. Im sure that cant become anymore difficult than I have already made it sound. People have written about how (ping) Thermite (pong) will NOT ignite under a torch. This is wrong. Apparently, they have not held a torch there for more than 10 seconds, due to their impulsive minds. Thermite when packed into a tube and chucked at a 7-11 near you, (when lit) can cause quite a bustle of activity if it doesnt go out when it hits. Note that when I say LIT, i mean with a maganesium wick and with the main participant wearing sunglasses of the most darkest kind. Come to think of it, thermite has practical uses around the home. Ever needed a quick coaster? Put some on a CD and light it. Of course, this usually ends up in a lump of glowing metal eating thru the thing it was placed on, so maybe that wasn't too hot (ha) of an idea. But it CAN make for an easy lock removal (or an easy bike to bike rack attacher, which ever you prefer), and other things as well. Isn't anarchy fun? Well I feel out of breath... If user activity is good enough, I'll respond to their requests on most forms of anarchy, for I have some good background and if I don't know the answer, I'm sure another user will. If all goes well, maybe I'll write a Mindless Mayhem issue 2. Anyway, if yer on my board, drop me a line on whether you think this sucked and if I should shove it somewhere (or whatever). If you liked this file, feel free to call: Destiny Knights 708/307-3768 and say you got the number from here. If there's a new user password by the time you call, it'll most likely be FOURTH DIMENSION. Just please don't be some sniveling snot nosed brat, 'cause if you are, you won't have the chance to show it to other users... Other than that, fare thee well. P.S. -- Montezuma deserves credit for really really REALLY making use of the lye bomb, proving that it indeed works. If you have any questions about it, leave him Email on my board, OR, if you prefer, call his board Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. Ask HIM for the number, 'cuz I don't want to get yelled at for giving it out. .