Mindless Mayhem Issue 2 Once again, I have to say that this file MAY contain horrid, evil, sick, demented, poorly slapped together, sloppy, obtrusive, misspelled, nazi punkified work. Pretty neato, eh? Also, I am not responsible for any of the actions contained wherein, because I was probably on an adrenaline high. I'll take NO responsibility of ANY actions you take after reading this text. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - oh yeah, today is 5/18/91. - - There has been some talk that lye bomb's do NOT work. Well, I really wouldn't know, 'cause I never stuck around to see if it worked. I have been told by a chemist friend that it doesn't balance out, and the only real effect you'd get out of it is (Al+ NaOH + H20) a soggy aluminum and dilute NaOH. Well that's life, ain't it? Enough downer's. Today, we get to discuss some (un)Mindless Mayhem, Breaking and Entry. There is NO possible way for me to cover all forms of breaking and entry, knocking out alarms, keeping you from making stupid mistakes, getting caught, etc. However, I can offer some advice (note, I'm not saying HOW to do it, just some ideas in case you go ahead and try anyway), and it's free (unless this file cost you something, which it would on my board), so if you want you can take it with a shaker of salt. Why do that when you can card? Why do that when you can mug kids? To answer that question, I have come up with a rather interesting answer: Why not? I mean, after all, this type of activity gives you a great adrenaline rush, get you some real good stuff, and can make you lots of money if you have a fence or people willing to buy it directly from you. The only drawbacks I see are: getting caught (eew) and severly injuring yourself in the process. Anyway, favourite sites to hit are construction sites, because they have those neat trailers and you can never know what's in them. I will describe a typical break in at one, and what Is used to do it. Supplies: Back Pack, crowbar, flashlight, dark clothing, some form of contact with your lookout, a lookout (wow), and good eyesight or a 6th sense. Along with a pair of gloves. Why do you need these? Well, let me try to explain: Backpack's can carry things. Wow. You can carry the bar, flashlight, radio (i used that to keep in touch with my lookouts), wire cutters if you want, BB gun, whatever. They also can carry a bigger folded up bag to carry ill- -gotten booty in. Crowbars can break windows, pry open things, break things you can't take (like that 200 ton 1976 photocopier) etc. Flashlight so you can see! Only an idiot would turn on the lights in a place like that at night. If they (the lights) are already on, leave them on and just slink by the windows. Dark Clothing is self explanatory and so are the last two. Ok, here we go. lookout would drop X off about 1 or 2 blocks away from the 'hit place' and they'd chat via the radio's until X got there, then keep silence until something comes up (a car, cop or whatever) approaching, or something of interest that X wouldnt want, but they might, etc. When X arrived the place, X'd describe it to them as X looked for a good place to try to get in. X'd try to make the cleanest possible break in, so X'd check the windows to see if they are unlocked (to avoid noise of breaking glass), doors, vents, etc. If X had to break glass, X would let them know, and X would look for bugs on the glass or something to that effect. If satisfactory, X would break it, remove all pieces of glass left in the frame, or slide it open if X now had access to the lock. After that, X'd climb in. but BEFORE X went in, X'd make a quick scan for an in-wall-mount alarm (those keypads). If there is none, X would enter and procede to clean out the room. X would NOT pick up the phone, because some places have alarms on them and make a real loud noise some hidden speaker. X would disconnect them (if any good) and place them in the bag, and if time permits describe the place to the look outs. (note they are using 2 way FM radios) as X is doing this, X'd search the desks for things of use, and pretty much take everything that isn't nailed down, then use the crowbar to undo the nails, if you get my picture. Then X'd look at the door of the room, and then beyond with- out leaving the room. Again, this is a check for those key -pad things. If it seems ok, X'd go in, and do the same as in the other rooms. If there was something big, but worth taking, X'd call the lookouts and see which one wanted to come and help X load the car (that they'd bring). If there was a back door, X'd unlock it, and continue looking around, sometimes having a snack if any were out (like in the fridge, or in the freezer.), or maybe a cup of coffee or water. The lookouts most likely would want a better description of the place, and that's a good idea to do as long as you dont sit down and become oblivous to the world around you. Anyway, if your backpack and bag become filled, just deposit them outside, and then take some more, fill your coat, carry what you can. Sometimes there are blue-prints, which can be fun and logical to keep, because after the places are built (assuming they arent homes or even if they are) they could be used for future planning, if you decide to come back. By now, the lookout #3 mostlikely has arrived, and they'd load the trunk and leave. X's most recent hit was worth about $1,800. I know this because it said so in the Police Notebook in my neighbourhood paper. Looking back at this, I can see I didn't do that well of a job telling you HOW to do it, but there are some good pointers in there. Things like pagers can be sold to people that need them for a short time, and the fax machines and such can be kept for personal use or sold for a decent amount. X had NEVER found any liquid cash, but you may be lucky. X was only caught once, and this was in 7th grade, and that was done in a very stupid (childish?) manner. So you can see just how easy this can be, with some well thought out plans ahead of time. Next issue, we will be discussing something unyet thought of. If you feel compelled, please give Destiny Knights a ring at 708/307-3768. We'd be happy to hear from ya. - - This file, of course, can be freely copied as long as you don't add or take anything out of it. Anyone that would do such a thing falls under my exclusive "Loser Listing" of which several of my users are now under for doing so to other's text files. -- Mindless Mayhem is published at random intervals by a band of gypsies at Destiny Knights. Textual contents are our property, but we can't stop you from changing them, can we? Editing this file without previous written permission is prohibited and punishable by having to dream up next issue's punishment. Watch for our PO Box soon! .