How to use PA systems By the Good Reverend Bill Okay, so you're tired of those amazingly hideous announcements that school administrators like to torture you with in the wee hours of the morning when all you want to do is get a nap in first period? Want to get even with them for waking you up? SIMPLE!!! The Public Address systems used my most schools are 1) CHEAP 2) UNPROTECTED 3) FREE FOR THE TAKING!!! It's so amazingly easy to break in to these things, all you need to know is a little about how they work. The systems run from speaker to speaker at a line voltage of 70 VDC, (30 VDC in Europe) The voltage is stepped down using a line tap transformer that sits ontop of each speaker in the line. To build yourself an access port, all you need to do is, 1) pop the speaker out of the ceiling 2) reverse the transformer 3) toss a cheap audio amp into the ceiling 4) add a remote access device (ie, a fischer price walkie-talkie) 5) plug the thing into some source of power. That's the general overview of all of it. Now for some more detailed info. Select a hall speaker, that way no one will notice if it isn't functioning (which it won't after you modify it). Go into the building after hours with the following: 1 cheap Radio Schlach audio amp, try to get a PA amp if you can (steal it, card it, whatever), 1 walkman or tape player that has a remote jack so you can operate it from down the hall by a pushbutton (also sold at radio schlach, it's intended to be used as a remote control for the record function of the tape player, but if you just push play, it'll serve a different purpose), an AC cord so you can get some juice to it, and some hookup wire or something to connect it all. Now, unscrew the ceiling plate from the speaker and pull it down from the ceiling, take the wires off of the speaker and then set the speaker somewhere safe (resist the urge to steal or destroy it , you'll need it to cover your handiwork). Take the transformer from the speaker and connect two leads from the output on your amp to the lesser input on the transformer. Then, take the two wires that came from the ceiling and put them onto the higher output on the transformer (the one that runs out at 70 volts). Set the switches on the amp so that it will come on at maximum volume when juice is applied. Hook the outputs from the tape player into the external input on the amp. Plug the remote into the remote port (duh!). Toss all this into the ceiling and find some way to run an extention cord into the whole works to get power (you might consider wiring it directly into the AC supply on the wall but be careful that you aren't grounded when you do, you can work with hot wire so long as you stay insulated and don't touch more than 1 wire at once). Run the remote down the hall and install it in to some empty locker or something where it can't be seen (get creative, if they see your dropoff then you're fucked). Make sure that the tape player is pushed in to play and that it has power. Finally, put the ceiling plate and speaker back up there and make sure that everything looks normal. You're finished. Go out and get drunk but make sure that you aren't absent the next day. Allright, go into school and sometime after class begins, make an excuse to go to your locker (you have a sudden urge to piss?). Go to your switch, hit it, and get the hell away, maybe go back to class or something. Just get away from it to avoid any shit. The thing will stop when the tape stops playing (unless you used a REALLY cheap tape player that doesn't have an automatic stop function. You can modify the thing with a Fischer Price walkie-talkie so that you can make "live" announcements (get your friends out of class, whatever). Just keep in mind that you'll need to disguise your voice else take the wrath of the powers that be. Thanks to The Graduate who taught me all of this (Digital Terrorist, we're gonna have to use this stuff someday ,you know) And keep an eye out for Channel1.txt, which will describe methods for gaining access into that sadistic Channel One system which holds an audience captive whilst it feeds their brains with trash and prolefeed. ENJOY! THE TAKING!!! X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X Another file downloaded from: The NIRVANAnet(tm) Seven & the Temple of the Screaming Electron Taipan Enigma 510/935-5845 Burn This Flag Zardoz 408/363-9766 realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 510/527-1662 Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 801/278-2699 The New Dork Sublime Biffnix 415/864-DORK The Shrine Rif Raf 206/794-6674 Planet Mirth Simon Jester 510/786-6560 "Raw Data for Raw Nerves" X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X .