@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ HOW TO @ @ PHUCK UP SOME ONES @ @ CAR @ @ by @ @ @ @ DEATH INCARNATE @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ (_> DIZCLAIMER <_) I THINK IT ALMOST SAYS WITHOUT GOING THAT THIS PHILE IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. I PERSONALY HAVE TRIED THE MAJORITY OF THESE NASTY TRICKS AND HAVE GOTTEN AWAY WITH THEM, BUT SINCE THERE ARE DEFINATLY SOME INCREDIBLE RETARDS OUT THERE EX.COPS, RELATIVES OF COPS, FEDS, RELATIVES OF FEDS, MINISTERS,PREACHERS, RABIS, OTHER GENERAL BASTARDS, I THINK THAT IF ANY OF THE ABOVE DID ANY OF THE FOLOWING THEY WOULD DEFINATLY GET BUSTED BECAUSE THEY HAVE LESS THAN TWO BRAIN CELLS SO THEY WILL PROBABLY BLAME ME SO ............. I WILL TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES THAT MAY INCUR TO ANY ONE OR THEIR PROPERTY GENERALY YOU WANT TO ASK YOURSELF HOW BAD DO YOU WANT TO FUCK UP SOME ASSHOLE'S CAR A: FUCK IT UP (MINOR ASSHOLES) B:DESTROY IT (MAJOR ASSHOLES)-WHEN KILLING THEM JUST ISN'T ENOUGH C:BORDER LINE (SOME WHERE BETWIX) LETS START WITH A: HEREZ A LIST KEY JOB Take a key and scratch the length of the car you can get creative and scratch words and phrases like "When will you return my calls he's your son too" "honk if your a faggot" "call (asshole's phone#) for good head" local gang sombols scratched into the paint are also good 'cuz they pin the blame on someone else if you don't want to use keys try a very pointy can opener I once tried the claw end of a hammer it worked real good it's my personal favorite. PABLO PICASSO Paint markers or permanent markers are great for making an artist of yourself find a brand like mean streaks or testors paint markers when dry they will never come off. Use your imagineation. POTATO GUN A large raw potato stuffed into the exuast pipe of a car will shoot out of the pipe like a cannon destroying anything in it's past such as windows, aluminum siding,or any small pets. DISAPPEARING PAINT Take some paint thinner, or turpentine and rub it where ever you think there should be less paint I prefer to spray it out in a spray bottle to make some nice big paint-less splotches. SMOKE SCRENE Take some motor oil,grese, or olive oil and squirt some into the exaust pipe.when the exaust pipe heats up and it will (700 F) it will produce thick clouds of black smoke great for extremly parinoid people. CHEESE WAGON Same idea as above but replace oil with limburger cheese nice and smelly. NOIZE Take off the hubcap on the victim's car and toss is some nuts & bolts and replace the 'cap when fuck-hed drives his car it will make a loud clanging noise. SPARKS If you can gain access to the car engine take a push pin and pop several small holes in the spark plug cables when cock-sucker starts his car it will make an anowing rumpity noise. MIDAS MONEY MAKER Get an awl or some other type of hole puncher & knock a few holes in the muffler it will make the car sound like a dragster cool huh? but not if your a thirty-something asshole-fuckin' next door naighbor who hates teen-agers every time you do it costs 'em $50.00 bucks a pop. DUAL NEUTRAL Gain access to the engine and interchange the # 1& 8 wires on the distributer cap now thier car will run in only neutral and park and kill in drive or reverse if your lucky the asshole will bring his car to a real "honest" repairman who will probably charge the fuck a grand. SELTZER BATREY Take some alka-seltzer a drop some into the car battrey it will drain the battrey to almost nothing before you can say plop,plop.fizz,fizz EXPLOSIVE CAR Just imagine driving down the street and hearing a large explsion from your car this would phreak you out wouldn't it to do this pick up a quater stick,M-80,M-100 and toss it in the tail pipe when the pipe heats up KA-BOOM RUBBER ROT If you can get your hands on some copper salts put it on the tires this will corrode and rot the tires hopfully giving him a flat sulfuric acid works muck quicker though remember to do all four tires NIEGHBOR HOOD SLASHER Be the first slasher in your nieghbor hood take a large razor or some type of knife and cut a large chunk out of all the tires hopefully he'll get a blow- out or three at sixty miles-per-hour. Or you can just take the easy way and pop all four tires. Most people only have one spare. SECTION B: BATTERY BOMB After you gain access to the car battery take a cord-less power-drill and drill a hole in the top SLOWLY or you'll get acid in your face after you got the hole drilled take about five AA bateries and drop 'em in when rat-bastard starts his car the battery will explode if your lucky the explosion will kill him for added pleasure place a dixie cup of BB's next to the battrey for a nice shrapnel effect. FIREY PHUN For this one take a pill bottle the kind that you get prescriptions in and fill it with draino cap it tightly and drop it in butt-fuck's gas tank and RUN after about 5 minuets your milage may vary the gas will ignite and explode the car. FLARE UP Get one of those friction road flares the kind that the pigs use at at accidents and toss it into the interior of the car if the window isn't open then break it with the flare this dosen't sound like much but it absoutly incinerates foam rubber seats and everything else there. The fire burns the car beyond all recognition I was going to do this to a REAL FUKIN' ASSHOLE but all the evidence would have pointed twords me and its allways better to be safe than busted. KA-BOOM This ones simple get a quater stick or half stick and tape it to the gas tank light fuse and get away. SECTION C: PHUCK GAS Everyone knows about pouring sugar/sand down a gas tank to phuck up the car, WELL THIS DOSEN'T WORK!!! sugar and sand are too heavy and will sink to the bottem of the gas tank and stay there umtil who knows how long and even if they do go through the fuel line they usually will get caught in the fuel line you may try a few pounds confectioners (powderd) sugar this sometimes works but a guarenteed destroyer is two or three galons of karyo surup what this does is when the gas is burned it will deposit very destructive carbon all over the engine if this happens the schmuck will have to have the entire engine rebuilt. Oh yeah when you do this put the stuff in a gas can so it won't look suspicious. TRANSMISSION TROUBLE Remove the center bolt and and throw a few nuts and bolts and throw them up there and replace the bolt when that fuck starts his car they will grind the teeth off all the gears. MUFFLER DRAG-ON Go under the car with a wrench set and losten all the bolts securing the muffler to the car the muffler will drag and eventually fall off if you have e-nuff time you can do this to the transmission just imagine pulling out of your driveway only to have the 'trans fall out. THE WORKS First you have to know how to make a works-bomb see workz.txt if you already know how heres the tricky part hide it in the trunk or the backseat or some where cum-lick won't find it in about five minuets BOOM!!! the bomb will spray hydracloric acid everywhere eating away at the interior and the carpeting if you put it in the trunk leave a burning rag nearby to ignite the excaping hydrogen blowing the trunk open and sometimes apart. LICENSE TO DRIVE At night swipe dick-weeds 'plates he probably won't notice but officer friendly will another thing you could do is steal someone else's 'plates and exchange plates I wonder how long fuck-ass can drive for before he gets arreted for stolen 'plates or you can speed up the process by leaveng an anonomus tip from a pay phone of course. What to do with a stolen plate, vehicular homicide is a good idea but risky you can rob something or someone make sure they get a good view of the plates what I do is get some lighter fluid and let it deterorate the glue on the sticker on the plate then let the sticker dry and glue it onto your own plate this saves you money time and time again. WELL THIS IS THE END FOR NOW LOOK FOR THESE UPCOMING FILES WORKZ.TXT- MAKE YOUR OWN WORKS BOMBS PUCKFRND.TXT- SCREW YOUR "FRIENDS" OVER CONTACT ME AT RIPCO ][ 312-528-5020 NEW DORK SUBLIME 415-566-0126 .