:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Disclaimer: By continuing to read past this point you are hereby agreeing that this information is for interest value only, and that you will never actually physically act out or reproduce anything mentioned below. Further more, you are agreeing that the author/authors of this article and the people responsible for distributing it can in NOÿway be held responsible for its contents or any side- effects/incidents directly or indirectly caused by this information. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Some Things You Can Do To Piss Off The Local Authorities. ( Neighbours, Teachers, Pigs. ) This is a sort of list of things which can be used for just about any occasion. From an ice-breaker at a dead party or a stress relief from school. Whatever the reason, it will be funny... from your point anyway. One: Dry Ice. As a general warning, this stuff fucks up skin really bad, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ so if anyone touches it for longer than a few seconds, make sure it is your target. You can buy this stuff from almost all gas works places just find out where people go to get gas for their heaters etc. And they will normally sell the stuff to you for about $15 a kg, they will give it to you wrapped in a fuck load of newspaper. The uses for this stuff is limited by your imagination, you can: - put in a film canister that has been taped up very tightly. It makes a pretty loud >POP< and will scare the shit out of a teacher, lecturer and or class. - drop it in a small container of luke-warm water. It melts, creating a thick white vapour like in the movies. If you put the set up in a cupboard, soon it will look like it is on fire and the office people will shit bricks. - stick some in a balloon or condom and watch it self-inflate. This can be funny if you chuck it under a friends chair in class and wait for it to explode. - If you have enough to waste, I thought of a good one to do. Take it along to the public pools. Drop it in the kiddies pool. In theory it should bubble heaps and heaps, and possibly scare the little kids coz of the white vapour. - I haven't done this, coz if you don't do it right it could burn (freeze actually) your tongue and cheeks off. Have you ever seen the "Tokyo Shock Boys"? One of them puts the ice in his MOUTH! I guess if you kept it moving, you'd be fine, but how cold would it be!? And if your mouth suddenly got a cramp?? It looks good, but you've either gotta be at a really boring party or REALLY pissed to do this one. - Get a decent-sized chunk of this and hold it around someones locker lock, after a while hit it with a hard object and the lock will shatter. Two: Calcium Carbide. This one is a great party trick. It makes you the centre ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ of attention in no time. Okay, visit your trusty 'Aussie Disposals' and by some Calcium Carbide. If the dude quiz's ya, either tell him to get fucked or tell him it's for a carbide lamp (your choice, I recommend the first method). The actual stuff looks kinda like gravel. Take some of it, a few pinches, and put in a jar. Go to your local park with a petrol soaked rag and some water. Pour some water in with the Calcium Carbide. A chemical reaction with start to produce acetylene gas, the stuff used in the industrial cutting torches. Light your rag and drape it over your jar, now on the ground. Run away and get some cover. After a while, it depends on the jar size/thickness and amount of ingredients, the gas will crack open the jar enough for the rag to ignite it. From there you will get a pretty fire ball. It's a good idea to set up four or five identical ones and see how close you can get to a synchronised round of fire balls. Also if you're pretty sicko find where your teachers go to smoke and there should be a tray of some kind where they chuck their cigarette butts. Place some water in it and drop in a handfull of Calcium Carbide just before lunch...when they chuck there butt in it, there should be quite a nice fireball and some shit-scared teachers. Three: Psycho Grenade Launcher. The name is no joke. This is for real nutcases. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I have a friend and he has this really cool bow right. So one day we decide to be creative. First we put a normal shot gun shell and glued it into a piece of PVC pipe. Then used silicone to glue an aluminium arrow on top of the shell primer. It looked like so: ||| |||<-------Aluminium arrow. | ||| | | ||| | | ||| |<---PVC pipe. | | | | . | |--_--| || ^ || || | |+------Shot gun shell. || | || || | || ||_+_|| |__+__| | | Shell Primer Yeah, as usual, the ascii says it all (NOT!). You should get the general idea from this. We took the 'thing' to a public basket ball court at night. From there we fired the very front-heavy contraption on a steep angle into the sky. We bolt away and hide behind a wall. There was a kind of thud and the sound that a small cracker would make. Disappointed, we searched for the arrow and found it smashed to pieces. Then a new idea formed. We bought a few more aluminium arrows (about 12 bux from a Frankston gun shop) and mixed up a batch of black powder (sodium nitrate,sulfer + charcoal). We cut off the primers from a few shotty shells and fit them in the powder filled arrows. Then glued the arrow heads on backwards so as to smack the primer on impact. These things are pretty heavy so get a good bow. The shit flies every where. These are shit hot for fucking up trees (again). I prefer trees as targets, because they don't call the pigs, and don't move. Be careful with this one, the name says it all (PSYCHO!). Okay, these are just a few to annoy the people in your locality. And remember, if it doesn't explode.....it's no FUN! Next update from me: Cool things on how to rule your school. Thermite. :) This shit burns thru ANYTHING! And pipe bombs, a game for the whole family. L8R Brother Anarkists D’M”N ŸääDäR =MAIM= ____________ __________ ___________ \ |__________ ________________|_________/_______________| / \ \ | \ / \ \ _______ | \ / \ | | \ | / | | / \ | | \ | | / | | / \ | | \ | | / | | / \ | | \ | \ / | | / \____|______| \____| /_____ / |______|____/ |__________\ |_____/ /__________| -pC  .