Well, Hell-o, all you psychotic kiddies! Here's the first install- ment of 'The Psychotic Magazine'! Todayz topic is...(drum-roll)........... How the Gov'ment fucks with ya at school! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As all you little high-schoolerz may(or may not) know, the big 'G' (government) likes to try to run the schoolz frum their unrealistic pointz of view. When, in actuallity, they only create false liez and a shitload of hype about how great this country is. They tell you all about shit like 'Freedom of Speech', 'Right to bear Firearmz', etc. "So what?", yur sayin'? Well, shut the fuck up and listen. First of all, how many classes do you (or did you) take in school where you had a teach who didn't give a flyin' fuck if you swear or not? Personally, the only teacherz I had that wouldn't mind if I swore up and down were deaf onez.(haha..joke. :) I SAID...LAUGH, GODDAMN IT!!) Anyway, ain't that sumthing to think about?! Well, as you all know, school bitez big hairy moose cock, so....you gotta take control...... OF YUR EDUCATION!! Just sit back while yer readin' this, light up a marlboro, and treat yurself to a drink of sumthin' very alcoholic. O.k..as you all know, school tendz to drag on,and on,and on,etc. So, that meanz it's up to you to liven it up and 'Fight for your Rightz'! After all, if sumone don't do it, who will? The Class nerd!? I think NOT! Here'z how it goez...Ya walk into the school, wearin' the BEST clothes that makez you look most like an anarchist. After all, everyone lookz up to someone who thinkz he's above the law, even if they don't admit it. Be sure to have a cigarette hangin' frum yer mouth. It adds to the image. I don't know about you, but I can alwayz get out of class by askin' (VERY loud) if I can go take a shit and a piss. You either get to go to the can, or to the V.P and/or Principal's office. So, you are now out of class. If you got sent to the office, don't go until you're ready. REMEMBER: Anarchy can turn a school upside down, and it can all start with one person,if done the right way. Well, now that yur in the can, it's time to try to waterlog the school. Take HUGE wadz of toilet paper and stick it at the bottom of the urinalz,(thing ya piss in),the sinkz, and the big ole crapper. Well, hope ya gotz a thing of crazy glue, if not, then you're fucked till ya skip class to go and buy some. First, the urinalz. hold down the handle halfway, so the water keepz on cummin' out. fill up around the handle with crazy glue, and let it dry. Do the same for the crapper. Turn on the sinkz, and glue the knobz in the 'on' position. Now, like a friggen' pussy, you can go and turn yerself in right away, or you can go on to bigger and better thingz. 'Gee,'you say. 'It's such a nice day out, and I'm stuck in school'. What will I ever do?! Stop cryin' first of all. remember, you are an anarchist! So, go find a filled-to-the-brim trash can, in a secluded part of some hallway, and stick a container of Sterno at the bottom, and light it. Make sure none of yer greasy fingerprintz are on it. Then,go back to class and be a good boy until school gets called off for the day while firefighterz investigate. I could tell you more, but since you are now such an awesome anarchist, think up your own shit to do, or go read Jolly Roger's Cookbookz.(which i love to read..) Now, back to our discussion. Tell me, why is it, whenever someone is different from the average crowd, the teacherz get scared and send you to some fool who callz themselves 'guidance counselorz'? All they are, are over- educated foolz who can't get a job doin' anything else white collar, so they try to fuck up young mindz even more. I should know, a few of my relativez are so called 'counselorz', plus, my yuppie parentz have sent me to a shitload of 'em. One even told them that I was mentally disabled!! Just another adult who can't figure out teenz, so they spread around a bunch of technical bullshit and spread it on yur parentz like spray-cheese. Honestly, what'z wrong with cauzin' a little?(haha)bit of trouble in your teen years. But, the government is trying to raise its' standardz, and the only way to do that is to try to infuence todayz youth with fuckin' trash. If the kid don't come out like the otherz, then 'fuck 'em' and they just lose interest in you, and tell the schoolz to try to influence you into taking a menial job somewhere,and doin' nothing with your life. In other wordz, if this waz Russia, you'd be on yer way to Si-fuckin-beria! So, in a few partin' wordz, Fight the system! Make it work YOUR way..nothing is that un-flexible, so if you are strong enuff, you can MAKE it work for ya. People are doin' it all the fuckin' time... In the wordz of a hacker friend of mine,'there's no system that can't be broken'. ** Look for future articlez on other subjectz cumin' soon to a bbs near ya! or you can call the home of the Psychotic Magazine, The Eve of Destruction 201-579-9370. Alwayz carryin' the latest copiez of this mag! Also offerz some of the latezt warez, for your playin' pleasure! Til next time.... Nick the Dick. P.S..keep Anarchy alive!! X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X Another file downloaded from: The NIRVANAnet(tm) Seven & the Temple of the Screaming Electron Taipan Enigma 510/935-5845 Burn This Flag Zardoz 408/363-9766 realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 510/527-1662 Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 801/278-2699 The New Dork Sublime Biffnix 415/864-DORK The Shrine Rif Raf 206/794-6674 Planet Mirth Simon Jester 510/786-6560 "Raw Data for Raw Nerves" X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X .