::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ÔÈÅ ÇÒÅÅË ÉÎÎ 774-2035 :::::::::::::> ÐRESENTS <:::::::::::::: ÒADAR ÊAMMING: ÍOTORISTS ÆIGHT ÂACK! ×RITTEN BY THE ÓCARLET ÁRMADILLO ÐLEASE DO NOT POST WITHOUT THE ABOVE LINES OR É BE ALL DEPRESSED! ×ARNING: ÔHE KNOWLEDGE OF THIS IS NOT ILLEGAL, BUT THE OPERATION OF A RADAR JAMMER WILL PUT YOU IN VIOLATION OF SEVERAL ÆÃÃ REGULATIONS AND IF CAUGHT BY A POLICE RADAR UNIT, ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: THE GREEK INN 774-2035 :::::::::::::> Presents <:::::::::::::: Radar Jamming: Motorists Fight Back! Written by the Scarlet Armadillo Please do not post without the above lines or I be all depressed! Warning: The knowledge of this is not illegal, but the operation of a radar jammer will put you in violation of several FCC regulations and if caught by a police radar unit, you can be charged with obstruction of justice, a nasty offence. But frankly, who gives a flying fiddlers fuck! _______________________________________________________________________________ Principle of Radar Jamming: Police radar operates by simply sending out a signal of a known frequency and the receiving of a reflected signal. When the signal is reflected off a car, the frequency is shifted due to the doppler effect. This frequency shift is then picked up by the police unit, and within a few minutes you are giving the cop your license, $50, or taking a breath test! To jam that unit, we will emply a microwave source that will "fool" the police unit. By switching this circuit on and off, pulses are produced in the police unit that are roughly equivalent to the pulses that are produced by the detection of your car. In order to produce the desired speed reading on the radar unit, we must pulse at a rate equal to the frequency of the police unit. The rates are 31.4hz (pulse per second) per MPH of speed on the "x" band and 72hz on the "k" band. thus for a speed of 45 mph the police unit must receive a signal of frequency 45 mph * 31.4hz or 1413hz on the x band and 45 mph * 72hz or 3240hz on the k band. The good thing about this is if the police ever change their radar to go to another band, all you would have to do is change the circuitry to match their frequency. _______________________________________________________________________________ Circuit Operation: This jamming unit can work in one of two modes: manual and automatic. In manual mode you would have the unit send out a constant signal of the correct frequency for the nice officer to pick you up at the correct frequency. The cop will pick you up at the speed you want him to see. It doesn't matter what you are doing. Though if you set the jammer to send out a signal equivalent to 20 mph and you where flying down the highway at 75 mph and passed by a radar unit, ole smokey may suspect something. Though as long as he doesnt find the jammer in your car he can't prove diddly shit in court. The other mode is the automatic mode. In this mode, you send him a fraction of the speed you are traveling at. If you set it at 75% and you are travelling at 70 mph, the cop will get a signal equivalent to 53 mph. This is the best mode because what if you turn off the interstate in manual mode set at 55 mph and go down a 30 mph street! You will get pulled over for doing 55 mph when you were only doing 30 mph. (But officer, I forgot to turn off my radar jammer!) The problem with this mode is that the jammer can't just look at your speedometer to see what speed you are driving at, it must receive a signal from a wheel or axleshaft pulser. _______________________________________________________________________________ Technical Description of the Unit. Since a technical description of this unit is very difficult since it is quite complex, I will try to go into the manual mode operation and just paraphrase the automatic operation. You use a 555 timer to make a master pulse train. Tie 8 & 4 to v+, 1 to ground, small (.01uf) cap from ground to 6, short 2 to 6, then a resistor from v+ to 7, and a variable resistor from 7 to 6. That variable resistance will adjust the frequency. The output signal is at pin 3. Now take that signal, split it up and divide it by 23 and 10. To divide by 23, use 2 4522 programable divide by n counter, c all then ic-1 and ic-2. Tie pin 3 from 555 timer to pin 6 of ic-1. Ground 14,10,2,4 of ic-1 and 5,14,2,10,4 of ic-2. v+ and ground also go to the proper pins to power the chips. Tie 5 & 11 of ic-1 to 11 & 13 of ic-2. They form one common node, that you will then connect to v+. Then tie 3,12 of ic-1 to pin 3 of ic-2. Tie pin 1 of ic-1 to pin 6 of ic-2. The outputs of this divide by 23 counter is pin 13 of ic-1 and 12 of ic-2 which are tied together. In a similar fashion, divide the signal coming out of the 555 by 10. Take the divided by 10 signal and then divide that guy by 72 in a similar fashion as the divide by 23 circuit. Call the two chips this time ic-3 & 4. Tie pins 5,2,10,4 of ic-3 and pins 14,2,10,4 of ic-4 to ground. Then tie pins 11,14 of ic-3 and 5,11,13 of ic-4 to v+. Tie pin 3 to pin 3 to pin 12 of ic-1, then pin 1 of ic-3 to pin 6 of ic-4. The outputs are 13 of ic-4 and 12 of ic-4. This signal you might want to take to another circuit to display the speed you are travelling at. You need 4521 connected to a 4511. the 4511 is a bcd to 7 segment display. The seven segment output is connected to two 7 segment LED assortment. Pins 1 and 2 from the 4521 will determine which 7 seg. is sent the proper information. Now take the divided by 23 signal and take it to one input of a 4 input AND gate. Then take the divided by 10 output to another and gate. Take the divided by 72 output and take that to an input on both AND gates. Option: If you have a radar detector, make up a circuit to output 5 volts for, let's say about 20 seconds when it goes off. Consider the radar detector a trigger input to a 555 timer with and rc combo tied to pin 6 and 7. a good r is 1m ohms and a good c is 20uf. This is a time constant of 20 seconds. Then tie the output, pin 3 of 555 to an input on both and gates. This will cause a 20 second jamming signal whenever the radar detector goes off. The outputs of the and gates are taken to simple amplifiers which in turn are take to the gunn diodes which are sent to the proper antenna. You need two different gunn diode oscillators for x and k band. For the x band use microwave associates part ma 86651-d or general electric part c 2070-j. For the k band use either ma 86791 or ge c1238-a. It is sometimes possible that at short ranges, the police radar may have more power than your signal. In that case, you may want to use two gunn diodes for each band. Then you need antennas. For x band use ma 86551 and for k use ma 86552. For increased power, you will need two of these each also. The desctription of the automatic mode is all but impossible in a text file, sorry! All this sounds great right? You are probably running out to radio schlack now to get the parts right? Well, with all good news comes bad news. The bad news is price. You are going to need over 30 different ic's which will make for complication and price problems. The killer though are the gunn diodes. The 1983 prices on the gunn diodes and antennas are: ma 86551 $15.00 (x band antenna) ma 86552 $29.00 (k " " " ") ma 86651-d $116 (x band gunn diode) ma 86791 $125.00 (k " " " " " ") Thus if you want the high power jammer you are looking at $575 for the transmitting equipment alone! That is not to mention all the other support hardware. The moral is, if you want to beat smokey, you have to pay for all of this. Your best bet rather then make this is to buy a simple radar detector. It has saved me dozens of times in 24 months. For more a 20+ page manual on how to make this jammer in detail, send $4.00 to cover postage and handling to: Scarlet Armadillo P.O. Box 1053 Park Ridge, IL 60068 Leave me E-mail at any big Chicago board or the Greek Inn. hkn (!) .