= REVENGE = =--=-=-=-=-=-=-=--= On Teachers: One way you could get revenge on a teacher is with Epoxy...2 min or 5 min are the best...Epoxy their books on their desks or epoxy their whole desk.. Gluing desks together takes awhile...You could also epoxy the droors shut...Another way you could use Epoxy is on the keyholes and shit..Be creative..Think of something.. Another way to piss off a teacher is to hollow out a apple.. Then line the insides with bubble gum, then fille it with dog shit... If you do it good enough, she might even take a bite outta the Apple.. There's also Dogshit in the droors, books, shelves, file cabnets... Be creative....hehe.. On Anyone with a car: Another way you could revenge a teacher is find their car... Use Epoxy once again to glue sand on thier windshields ..They have to buy a whole new one...You can also get a dry material fire extinguisher and open their windows up...Then spray that shit into it and close their windows..This soaks up into all their seats and all that shit... Or the old Beverly Hills Cops Banana trick...You can also get brake fluid and make brake fluid balloons...Throw them on the car in the morning and by the end of the day, no more paint.. One more way with cars is get two M-60's..Dont use anything more powerful cause this is dangerous... Get 2 of those electrical fuses you can buy......Then, go to the victims headlights, take out there lightbulbs, and put a fuse one each wire( 2 wires per fuse)....Then, put a m60 behind the light bulb and put the lightbulb back in...You might wanna put beebees and pennies in the headlight also...Then when they turn on their headlights, the headlights explode with beebees and all...Dont try this cause if someones standing in front of the car, BOOM!!! Students: More Epoxy...Epoxy their lockers..Books...The toilet seats...Their classroom seats..Epoxy everywhere...You can also light stink bombs under their seat in the classroom and shit...Think of ways.. On Dickhead SysOps: If they delete you, log on with a fake name, then post that the SysOps a dickhead and shit like that...Do this alot so the BBS will have alot of posts saying"the SysOps a dick" and a bunch of fake users...Or you could finda way to crash the BBS but these are not that good cause it affects the other users also... DISCLAIMER: This is only for the readers enjoyment.. I recommend you do not do this...It is very dangerous and you will get in trouble for doing it.. Written and Created by: Fusion and Grim-Reaper  .