/----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Fun! with Spray Paint | | by /\/oo\/\ Count Nibble /\/oo\/\ | | July 31, 1985 | | | | A "Nibble's Own" Textfile -- (C) 1985 by Count Nibble -- Spread it around! | \----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Despite the fact that spray painting is looked down upon for anarachic purposes by so-called "Elite Anarchists" like The Neon Knights, when all is said and done it is one of the most simple, most enjoyable, and least expensive activities you can spend your evenings doing. What follows are a few suggestions that you can use to bring spray paint beyond the pale of ordinary vandalism. Above all, the way to get the most enjoyment out of your paint can is to plan your painting beforehand. This gives the activity an air of conspiracy that will make it more interesting. Check out your target the day before. Will the paint be visible to the world once the sun rises? Is it in an optimum position to humiliate your "mark", if you have one? What color paint would show up best on the surface you are painting (a hard decision to make in the middle of the night)? All these decisions have a bearing on how effective the painting will be. When making a decision about who to hit and how to hit them, be creative! Try to pick a slogan that will get the random person on the street to consider your work funny, as opposed to just the work of another vandal. For example: "MCDONALD'S SUCKS" scrawled on the wall next to the drive-up lane of your local Mickey D's just can't match "Eating The Food Here Is Comparable To Having Oral-Anal Sex With A Dead Goat" carefully printed in white Krylon (quick-drying, and contrasting nicely with the dark red brick of most McD's). Those with a more twisted sense of humor might try the oldie-but-goodie "Only 21 Killed!" under the word "McDonald's" on the building's side. Or, if you don't feel like being funny, invent a conspiracy! The sudden appearance of pentagrams (in red paint!) on the doors of several local Baptist churches will create a furor you would not believe -- especially if you manage to do it correctly: No 666, No Heavy Metal references, No blasphemies, just pentagrams on the doors. If you do the "666" and Metal references, they'll write it off to a bunch of Metal-crazed kids and have a sermon the next Sunday about the evils of popular music. But Satanic symbols carefully copied from the Necronomicon (which is available in the Occult section of any good paperback bookstore), will make many preachers go absolutely bugfuck. Other interesting options include "Lesbians against Porn" on porno bookshops *and* the windows of newsstands that carry Playboy, Penthouse, et. al. . . . hispanic slogans ("La Raza", etc.) on walls in lily-white areas of town . . . defacing a school with slogans of their cross-town rivals . . . then sit back and watch the fur fly! Keep it believable and you'll have much more success. If you like, pick a name at random out of the phone book and paint "[Joe Random] Fucks Goats" in a few prominent places near his home. He'll spend a lot of time wondering who hates him. The same result would stem from a carefully-painted black "X" on his door. Nobody else's . . . just his. Go around to the side of his house and Krylon over the readouts on the electric, gas, and water meters -- Public Service will come down on him with both hob-nailed boots. Find his bedroom window and black out all the panes -- when the alarm goes off and his room is still dark, he'll go back to sleep and be late for work! A few more ideas: the overnight appearance of "Off The Pigs" on walls all over town (enlist your friends!) will make your local constabulary a bit more itchy to beat someone's head in, so don't get caught painting that one! Drive slowly down the street with your friend hanging out the window, painting lines on the cars as you pass by. Or find a dark neighborhood and black out a few license plates. In all, there are no limits to the fun you can have with a can of spray paint. Go out there and Psssssss somebody off! (ahrg) /\/oo\/\ /\/oo\/\ /\/oo\/\ /\/oo\/\ /\/oo\/\ /\/oo\/\ /\/oo\/\ /\/oo\/\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >The Space Bar< (505) 265-5178 pw:BANZAI 300 only 4x143K drives + ramdisk Blue Oyster Bay (409) 693-7908 pw:DHARMA 300/1200 2x356K drives + ramdisk Terrapin Station (505) 865-0883 pw:CICADA 300/1200 3x143K drives + ramdisk The Fourth Reich (505) 298-1705 (Ind. 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