The Urban Terrorist Philes Brought to you by: The Urban Terrorist! (Duhhhh...) Welcome to this series of NEW files That I'm gonna be typing in. These are all REAL and true expirences that I have seen or done. The information will be accurate to the best of my knowledge and that of technology at the time of the creation of each of these files... Now then... on to the fun! Hopefully, these files will teach some necessary survival instincts that will tip the odds of life into your favor. Pardon any type-o's..... FOOD IN THE JUNGLE (Concrete that is....) This is the #1 reason anarchist seems to fail when on their own: NO FOOD OR MONEY!!!! This section should help you out... Have you ever been inside of a mini-cafeteria and seen all those lovely vending machines with all that great junkfood? Ever get real hungry looking at all the food, but reach in your pocket and find only nickel and 3 pennies? Well, this should help you out. The maching to look for are the ones that have the little sliding doors. You push the button till what you want is lined up with the door, then you put in your $2,50 for a 5oz. apple drink and you slide the door- instant service at an inflated price! Reagan in the past 8 years worked to get the enflation level down and by golly, you shouldn't let some pig headed liberal rip you off! What you do is find one of the doors that will still open (ya, after you get the food out you can still open the door until you hit the rotate button). Anyway, when (and IF) you find one that opens, you're in luck! Ya see, you can't open the door and hit the button, the thing will click and clank at you telling you the a door is open! Well, there's this switch that tells the thing to turn. What happens when you close the door and hit the button is that you are advancing the carosel far enough to get the switch to trip and give you the next selection! AH HA!!! We have a LOOPHOLE IN THE SYSTEM!! What you have to do is stick your hand into the chamber and push REAL hard in the direction that it rotates. If you get it pushed far enough, the switch will trip and you now have food! So what if it wasn't twinkees, you got it for FREE!!! I scored 3 $1.50 pizza's one night several pudding tubs, hot dogs, burritos, the works! The beauty of it is, even if they tighten up the carosel, you can still turn it if you push hard enough.... REMEMBER- Never go hungry! Welp, that bring the first phile to an end, hope this helps you out. Watch out for the State Safty NAZI's! Anarchy forever.... The Urban Terrorist Founder of Sonoma County Creative Anarchist Assc. .