[/] The Ascii Assassin [/] ____________________________________________________________________________ What you should have in a "Anarchy Bag" _____________________________________________________________________________ Written by: Sour Apple _____________________________________________________________________________ Flashlight (Red lens) - You should know what this is for. Matches (Strike anywhere) - To light things and can be used a a fuse. Lighter - To light fuses. Philips Screwdriver (+) - To take things apart. Flathead Screwdriver (-) - To take things apart. 2 Cresent wrenches - Take more things apart. Wire cutters - To cut wire, rope, ect. if you have room put a set of small bolt cutters in place of wire cutters. Hammer - To bash things and to pound nails into things. Nails - Nail doors shut, jam into locks (sometimes you can open doors this way) Rope - Climb things, tie to things. Ex: Tie car door handles to other car ect.) CO2 Handgun - To shoot animals, windows, people. Bring extra: CO2 and BB's Sling-Shot - Same as above but cheaper. Use marbles, rocks, ect. Tire spikes - Put under car tires. Take 4 nails cross 2 nails tape together add other 2 nails by crossing them over tape together real good. If you have access to a welder then weld together. (Best) CO2 Bombs - Get some old CO2 fill with black powder and add good size wick. Smoke Bombs - Use for quick escapes, set smoke alarms off, ect. (kNO3&Sugar) KNO3 Wicks - Use if other wicks don't work. Take KNO3 and put in a glass of water then add string leting water evaporate. This fuse burns slow and hot. Black Spary paint - You know! Tape (duct) - To tape everthing in sight. Back Pack - To carry all your goddies in Fifth of JD or = ____________________________________________________________________________ This has been a Pacific Coast Production - March 1988 Call The Kingdom of the Dead (509) 927-9120 Sysop: The Angel of Death ____________________________________________________________________________ Another file downloaded from: ! -$- ! . /_\ /-o-\ & the Temple of the Screaming Electron (o..) | * Walnut Creek, California + |:| /^\ /~\ ! |:|/\ _| |____|:| 2400/1200/300 baud 415-935-5845 /^\ / O |/...\ /_-_\ Jeff Hunter, Sysop |@ \_| @ /:::::|/|- : -| \ | | | /~ |/| _ | - - - - - - - - - * |____|/~ @ /~\ |/|_(_)_| Aaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! / /_______|_|_|/ Specializing in conversations, obscure information, high explosives, arcane knowledge, political extremism, diversive sexuality, insane speculation, and wild rumours. An ALL-TEXT BBS. Full access for first-time callers. We don't want to know who you are, where you live, or what your phone number is. We are not Big Brother. "Raw Data for Raw Nerves" .