[Sending ]: FEDS2 5 Ctrl-S Stop/Start Spacebar to Exit THE FEDS Part II "Electronic Surveillance" By The Dutchman ][ THE SHADOW BROTHERHOOD ][ ][ CONTINUED ][ Agents who infiltrate places are usually the ones who hold their post bcause of their skill not background or honesty for the cause. One might be in a terrorist group simply for their explosive expertise, or a computer group fr their hacking expertise. You can also tell pigs by what they wear when they aren't around you, or eventually if their seen around federal buildings. I your really worried about someone check everything on them out, if they say their sick check, if they say their mothers sick check, use the CN/A operator, ceck it could well prove worth it. One good example of this was when a fellow hacker under the name of "The Revenger" who was actually a cop started up a BBS. He had people from The Shadow Brotherhood, Mtn. High hackers, The Nihilist order, and KAOS inc. which ws basically all of these put together. The BBS included myself, Dr. D-code, The Highwayman, Sir William, and many others. Some of the local members are nw facing charges for credit fraud, and illegal trafficing. The sysop was not to be trusted, just to show you what we're up against. What can you do about electronic surveillance? Well exposure of the ones ding it is great help, better laws. But you must remember such agencies such as the FBI like to make it seam they are bigger than they really are, that they have agents everywhere and are listening to every conversation, this simply cnnot be done. Going through the courts is the best you can do, and if you inlist such agencies as the ACLU, the Citizens Commission to Investigate the FI (CCIFBI) or some other civil liberties organization (the feds hate em). But you must always beware, in at least one case Bell's special Intelligence frce (SIF) has been known to result to harassment and such because of no "legal" way to get info out of a person, But of course this is extreme. NEXT: Part III Stay with us......... Which 1-7 (?=Menu,): Part III Stay with us......... [SuperTac/28]: You lose 24 credits for this download. Wait... [CONTROL-S] Stop/Start [SPACEBAR] Exit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File # : 4 .