[Sending ]: FEDS3 6 Ctrl-S Stop/Start Spacebar to Exit THE FEDS Part III "FED FRAUD" by : The Dutchman ][ SHADOW BROTHERHOOD][ ][ YOUR RIGHTS ][ In this article I will show how far the FBI goes to get info and stray from their own ground rules. The first one is a statement they try ad get you to sign called "Advice of Rights." Which, when read by one of legal training, is a waiver of your rights. INTERROGATION; ADVICE OF RIGHTS \YOUR RIGHTS\ Place.................... Date..................... Time..................... Before we ask you any questions, you must first understand your rights. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in court. You have the right to a lawyer for advice before we ask you any questions and to have him with you during questioning. [etc. omitted] I have read this statement of my rights and I understand what my rights are (here's where most people stop reading). I am willing to make a statement and answer questions. I do not want a lawyer at this time. I understand and know what I am doing. No promises or threats have been made to me and no pressure or coercion of any kind has been used against me. Signed.............................. Witness:....................... Witness:....................... Time:.......................... The last part of this statement most people take for granted. Who figures the FBI's running a scam, well by signing this document you have completly given up your rights. The IRS', Tabacco and Alcohol Tax divison has been knwon to check libraries for people who check out books on explosives. Supposedly some 25 million civilians are onn the FBI's files, they say they have cut this down some, who knows for sure. Each agent keeps his own files that pertain to him.The file arrangement goes as follows: 1-351-5537 The one (1) tells the agent its a file on racisim, 351 is the article in that file and 5537 is the files person number. Which 1-7 (?=Menu,):es person number. [SuperTac/27]: You lose 24 credits for this download. Wait... [CONTROL-S] Stop/Start [SPACEBAR] Exit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File # : 5 File name : FEDS3 Filetype : TXT Category : Text File - Info ProDOS blks: 6 Credits req: 24 Packed with: NPK D/L times : 4 Uploaded by: BOB LINDABURY Uploader ID: 1 Uploaded o .