[Sending ]: FEDS4 7 Ctrl-S Stop/Start Spacebar to Exit THE FEDS PART IV "FED FRAUD" By: The Dutchman ][^SHADOW BROTHERHOOD^][ ][ CONCLUSION ][ A law was passed some time ago that made it mandatory for all credit bureaus to give info on you to the police or any other law enforcement agency if they asked for it. Such as TRW has some 30 million americans on-line. Some info includes not only your credit history but your personal habits, traits, medical history, finances, hell they know more about you then some of your friends. Total some 110 million americans are on file. You have the right to see any files any agency has on you, but get this, they have the right to declare that your file is "specifically required by Executive order to be kept secret in the interest of national security." Now who decides what is and isn't national security? If you decide to take this to court (you can) it has been known that in the course of travel your file may get "lost". You can find his in the "Koch Bill." The following is what must be done to connect a tap. It is from the Omnibus Crime control act; however, I lost my copy so it is done simply by memory, it is correct what is there, but theres much more to it. This is meant to simply give you and example of what a pain a "legal" tap must go through before being put on-line. 1. An agent who wishes to establish a tao must: A. Give tappees complete name B. Reason for tap C. Proof that tap is needed D. The tappee must own or be leasing the place of tap E. Must give desired time frame F. Tell if other methods have failed. * It is approximated that it takes 4-6 people to run a tap on a day to day basis, that is on a legal day to day basis. There are many more rules. Taps may only be placed on line for periods of 2 weeks however they may be resubmitted for further time or an agent may request extended time be allowed if he feels it's necessary (more procedures) and he must request it within 48hr.s of the tap being placed online. They must also place all this on (get this) blue 3 X 5 cards. As you can see its a bitch to place a tap on your line (a legal one). As a lawyer in a goverment case put it, "a window into a mans soul." Which for me at least describes a tap to the tee. You can reach me on Metalland BBS ][ 503 253 5300 ][ p/w: OZONE. The Dutchman LOOK FOR MORE MINI-FILES SERIES LATER ON APSNET !!!! Which 1-7 (?=Menu,):MINI-FILES SERIES LATER ON APSNET !!!! [SuperTac/26]: You lose 28 credits for this download. Wait... [CONTROL-S] Stop/Sta .