Edited by: Surfer Bob Part I-What's it all about? Youve all had someone you would like to get revenge on. Heres youre chance. The methods below are some of the best to use. Part II-Porno's etc. If the person you know is a kid, here is a neat trick. Take those subscription cards from Playboy, Penthouse, Hustler, etc. Fill it out with the persons name, address etc. Also, try having sexual aids catalogs sent to the person. Oh yes, use the 'BILL ME LATER'option. Some company's send trial condoms (yes,they do). Go hed, try it! Part III-Getting busted This I have used many times. It usually only works with people whose parents work in the day. While at a store, GET BUSTED FOR BEING ROWDY ,LOUD AND, OBNOXIOUS ect...They will ask youre name: Give them the persons name, ph # etc. This works very well, but be careful. Part IV-School tricks These are all tricks that can be used school: 1-Plant Oregano (or Real weed) White powder (or Real Coke <-I doubt that) or a bottle of pills saying 'SPEED' or 'Ludes' or whatever in the persons locker. You need to find their combo. Juststand next to them while they open their locker. Then leave a note to the principal or call him/her saying that you saw this kid with drugs and you want to remain anonymous. They check the kids locker out and -BINGO!-guess what they find! 2-My personal favorite:Impersonating a teacher. This can be done by calling home as a teacher saying he was truant, or his 'conduct' was bad. Use a REAL teachers name, and a good voice, obviously! Or get a slip that is a Warning Card (or a deficiency notice, etc.) and fill it out as a teacher. Send it home (look up his address in a phone book) and say that his homework was not being done or he was cheating on a test. Part VI- Mail order, pt. II Get a Boys Life magazine. On the back they usually have an ad for 'Captain O Greeting Cards'. This is the Co. that has you sells cards for them. You have to sell at least 12 boxes to get out! Sign 'em up! Also, order those 11 tapes from the Columbia Record and Tape Club. Sign them up for the 11 tapes. They **HAVE** to buy 8 of them to get out of the deal at about $1O a crack. Order anything & everything! Part VII-Fun fun fun! Try this. Plant FLEA eggs (you can find 'em at a vets office. Tell 'em it's for a science project) in their rugs, clothes, furniture, etc.This is living hell for them. Also try putting a fake mouse in the fridge, or a live toad/frog. Part VIII-Misc. ways 1-Card stuff to their house. 2-Prank calls (boooring). 3-Bomb there house with fireworks. 4-Blow their tires but putting nails behind them in the drive way. 5-Good ol' Cosmos. Get rid of their line. 6-TRW-Good for getting their cards. 7-Put what LOOKS like a bomb in their mailbox (Ed. Note:This works awesome!) Oh well, until part II... Downloaded from the Pipeline (ST) (805)-526-5660 .