[_]--------------------------------[_] [_] Fun with the Cat [_] [_] Tutorial Number Two [_] [_] [_] [_] Written by Rappin' Jimmy B. [_] [_] (Knights of Nicht) [_] [_] [_] [_] Twisted System....612/421-1382 [_] [_] Abdul's Oasis.....619/341-2984 [_] [_]--------------------------------[_] NOTE: The following tutorial is second in a series of tutorials. This file may be distributed anywhere as long as the above stays the same. Well, I don't think I will start this file the same way I started the first one. If you didn't learn anything from the first tutorial then you need to go back and read it over and do all the programs from it (all one of them), do that until you understand what is happening, or you wont understand this. In the other tutorial, we learned how to send data across the modem, well there must be a way to recieve data from the modem also, right? Right, and the following program will tell you how to do it. Make sure that you have the file from the first tutorial in memory. 310 REM Get a key from the modem 315 X=PEEK(-16241+16*2) 320 IF X>127 THEN X=X-128 325 IF X>31 THEN X=X-32 330 IF X>15 THEN X=X-16 335 IF X<8 THEN 350 340 POKE -16243+16*2,T:X$=CHR$(PEEK( -16245+16*2)) 345 RETURN 350 X=PEEK(-16384):IF X<128 THEN 310 355 GET Y$ 360 POKE -16242+16*2,ASC(Y$) 365 X=PEEK(-16241+16*2) 370 IF X>127 THEN X=X-128 375 IF X>63 THEN X=X-64 380 IF X>31 THEN X=X-32 385 IF X<16 THEN 365 390 POKE -16244+16*2,4 395 RETURN Everytime that you want a key, from either your keyboard, or the remote computers, then gosub this routine and it will store the key (after it gets one) in Y$. It is a good idea to check for a carrier before this routine. Well, I suppose the 202 will come next tutorial, I promise on that one. This file was written by Rappin' Jimmy B. with help from Grimalkin. Both are members of the Knights of Nicht. File length: 2055 Date written: February 15th, 1986 .