Radio amateur station G1UEF QTHR The Sathack BBS is basically a satellite/phreaking/electronic/chemical knowledge media based on an educationally mutual exchange theme which hopefully offers some of the answers that you will not get from questions asked elsewhere. Although illegal activities are openly discussed in some areas they are not under any circumstances promoted or condoned by anyone at Sathack BBS. There are very few restrictions on material but if you want hacked commercial programmes, games etc. this is definitely the wrong BBS for you. Access to the BBS is for a suggested donation of œ30 per year which goes towards the very high running costs of the BBS. You can also offer suitable programmes, articles, skills or information to gain access. It's best to ask first in case Sathack already has or doesn't want it. Old software is rarely of any use to the BBS as progress with modern electronics is so rapid that a "new" idea can be obsolete within days.. Your donation currently covers the use of the second node. This node is experimental and may be used for other purposes eventually. Telephone number is +44 (0)1884 252388. I don't guarentee that there will be any files available on the subjects of decoding/encrypting television signals, telephones, strange sexual behaviour, influencing your political life or giving information about illegal drugs - but there usually is! - (For those with no sense of humour, this last paragraph is tongue-in-cheek and meant to amuse those that do have this facility!). It is impossible for me to dissassemble and/or understand all of the programme code that is uploaded but if anyone feels that any files on this BBS are infringing their rights please let me know in writing to the given address with your reasons and I will withdraw the files immediately pending examination by my legal advisers. (Cor... Heavy going eh?????) Just because an item is here does not mean that anyone at Sathack BBS wishes to encourage anything legal or illegal. It's up to YOU personally what you do with any data downloaded from here. I REPEAT... IF YOU DOWNLOAD ANY FILES FROM SATHACK, WHAT YOU DO WITH THEM IS ENTIRELY YOUR OWN CONCERN but under no circumstances can anyone at Sathack BBS condone any illegal activities. There are usually PIC16C84s, 24C65s etc available to members at prices far less than RS or Maplin from advertisers on Sathack. Sometimes there are spare pcb's available and maybe a complete PIC/24C65 programmer which works with Tait or Schar software and offers on card or off card programming. Please ask before sending orders to ensure availability and price. Anyone is welcome to place an advertisement at Sathack but no reponsibility is accepted at all for any deals that go wrong. Personally I find that VISA is a pretty good way of insuring anything that may go wrong. Upload your advertisemnet in asc form to the sysop message area. Please send donations either by (preferably) crossed postal order or cheque payable to DAVID TILLEY to:- ******************* * David Tilley * * 6 Lime Road, * * Tiverton, * * Devon, * * EX16 6JA. * * UK. * ******************* This address may be used for ALL corespondence relating to Sathack BBS. If you do send cash please use the insured registered delivery service. Name used for log in:.................................................... Telephone number:........................................................ Password:................................................................ Date:.................................................................... ========================================================================= Disclaimer:- I agree that the use to which any files downloaded from Sathack BBS is totally beyond the control of the sysop, is being downloaded for educational and informational use only by the undersigned and will not be passed to any third party for any reason whatsoever without the prior written consent of David Tilley, the system operator of Sathack BBS. Signed.................................................................. NOTE:- ALL user details on the BBS are encoded and VERY secure. Even the sysop cannot access some of the entries! BBS Numbers:- +44 (0)1884 255316 - to 28k +44 (0)1884 252388 - to 14k Voice contact number:- +44 (0)1884 256197 E-Mail .