Birthdays ========= 06/28/31 - Mama Squid 12/16/48 - Cave Man 08/09/51 - Hifi Doctor 01/04/52 - Joanna Daneman 11/08/60 - Greg Gorman 10/11/62 - Centurion 10/16/62 - Blair Warner (MTAGF) 11/18/62 - Darrel Gavisk 05/13/63 - Jeff Beadles 05/25/64 - The Kid 07/24/64 - Childhood Trauma 12/21/64 - Droog 03/30/65 - The Barlog 11/29/65 - Admiral Autodial 05/25/66 - The Savage 09/29/66 - Grimjack 10/30/66 - Blue Devil (-:[) 05/11/67 - Sj Safdar 06/11/67 - Swerving Irving 07/15/67 - Oreo 01/07/68 - Sad Eyes 03/31/68 - Smurfette 04/21/68 - S' Talon 10/19/68 - Inspector Detector 01/06/69 - Red Devil 03/13/69 - * Shadowspawn * 05/23/69 - Mr. Mercury 06/28/69 - The Mage 08/09/69 - Papa Bell 12/02/69 - Dave M. 09/30/70 - The Doctor 03/36/70 - Burnt Troll 04/09/71 - The Other Dave M. 04/17/71 - Coco Nut 04/26/71 - Fiberglass Post 09/02/71 - KING SQUID (J of I) 10/15/71 - Byte 01/27/71 - Pee Wee 08/24/71 - TJ 09/04/72 - Burt Campell BBSdays ======= 09/01/79 - The Barlog 07/25/78 - The Kid 03/17/81 - Dave M 09/13/82 - Blair Warner (MTAGF) 06/??/83 - The Other Dave M ??/??/83 - TJ 12/11/84 - Swerving Irving 12/11/84 - Blue Devil 05/01/85 - * Shadowspawn * 06/15/85 - Fiberglass Post 11/25/85 - The Doctor 01/16/86 - Red Devil SYSdays ======= 02/04/84 - MTABBS (Midnight Exchange) 08/14/84 - The Junk Drawer 12/11/84 - Megadodo Publications 12/14/84 - The Library 12/09/85 - The Interchange 12/25/85 - The Missing Link 01/08/86 - The Galactic Exchange 02/22/86 - DVMBBS (The Library) 04/01/86 - 821-2815 .