Diary of a Hacker Part 3 By:The Blade Cuisinart Prolouge: You know, after writing this series I witnessed something real bizzare. A large response. I wrote these Text so that people would understand what it CAN be like for Hackers, Phreakers, Etc... I am not saying what we do is right or good, but I write it so you understand. I wanted to take a moment to thank all the people who read this. If it was not for you, these would never have been written. At any rate, after much thought on the subject, I am here to offer you all a proposal of the continuance of this text. There are many things I have done in the world under the moniter. If the people reading this Text wish it, I will continue to write these text. I know the SysOp of the Masquerade who has agreed to post these Text on his BBS, wants me to, and if you do, I will. Anyone who wants me to continue, call the Masquerade 708.963.4551 and let the SysOp know. Since Thumper is planning on putting a NUP soon, if this does not get into circulation on time, when you get to the Matrix Prompt, (the logon screen for you rookies) just Format the Hard Drive. I know, I know, but thats the only way you'll be able to Apply. ;) Don't you just love the subliminal crap? So to all of you, I say thanks. And on with the last! November 24th Dr.Antristo was out of town with the inmates(family) to visit other relatives...(more inmates). So I had the Computer to myself this weekend. After my little stint at Argonne Natl. Lab, my father had come home and told me about it, he figured that since I was into computers, I'd like to know they were having a problem with theirs...namely a Hacker. I laughed and told him they'd catch him eventually...(Yeah, right) and ate my dinner. Later in the evening, I juiced up the computer and dialed out to one of my more preferred Pirate BBS's. I talked to a few of the others on its Multi-Node chat...(which in that time was considerbly slower.) and we discussed matters of big importance...crashing the local school computers. Hmmm, I had no real input, seeing as I was a Hacker, not a Phreaker, but I added my two cents anyways. Then later (45Min) some of the other Hackers came online and began to debate Techniques on how to get into Military computer systems. I laughed when I watched them type this all out. I was thinking to myself that that only happens in the movies..(for those of you who saw War Games, I know EVERYONE has seen it) but, I was wrong. These guys were insistant that there was a "Backdoor" to a Computer in the Department of Energy. I wasn't about to believe that on the grounds that I didn't believe in secret codes, or Hidden Back Doors, or anything that made Hacking look a little less than reality. After listening to a few guys plead their cases to the rest of us, I finally told them I would check it out. If only to shut these guys up. The others agreed. They asked me if I could gain access to the DOE Central Computer System. I told them of what I had done earlier in the month. They were awestruck. I asked the other, more reality planted Hackers if these guys knew what COMPUTER really meant...this was the first time I had encountered the dreaded WaReZgEeK. It is something I never forgot. I searched in a vain attempt to access the "Backdoor" to this supposed military computer. I had not, nor have I ever found it to this day. After looking for almost an hour, the only thing I found was that my eyes were irritated. I dropped carrier and returned to the Pirate BBS in [206]. All of my colleagues were present for me to lecture these two little chucklefucks about lying. After a browbeating, they admitted that they made most of it up. The others began phreaking the houses of the two WaReZgEeKs..(I believe its now called War- dialing, or something like that) I have no clue how they found out who they really were, but they must have been better than me. I talked to the others for a while, disussing the two chaps and wondering if there were more coming...(for all of you out there who have people who sign their names in Ascii and talk about how "Wasted/Trashed/blitzed" they were, fill their text or E-Mail with swears, or even how many times they got laid last night, BOOT THEM OFF YOUR BBS! And for any of you little shits reading this, what a shame you don't know what REAL Hackers are....you might have learned something.) If only us Hackers could predict the future....I can't imagine what the larger groups, The Humble Guys, RAZOR, FLT, iCE, PE, UNT, ACiD, NeMeSiS, TDT, Future Crew, >T<>CT<>C< The Masquerade BBS 708-963-4551 WHQ Dedicated to The Electric Mage 1972 - 1990 .