You are sharing this universe with: 0 : The Black Knight in teleconference with 84 min Parser is Power! Opponents wanted for: 1 : Tracker in teleconference with 84 min "Undecided" Opponents wanted for: POKER,CHESS 2 : Chip Fu in teleconference with 17 min Do people still burn witches? Opponents wanted for: 3 : in logon with 0 min Opponents wanted for: 5 : Bigben in teleconference with 55 min "SPRINGBOARD STUD" Opponents wanted for: 6 : Morning Star in teleconference with 234 min "SPRING" FEVER!!! Opponents wanted for: (Tracker) everyday Private message from The Black Knight : I can find out ALOT of things about many people.I am nosy, and I HAVE to find out who you were. I can't stand not knowing things (Morning Star) hahaha A "Live" message is comming in from User ID : Bigben The message is: I can send stuff hahaha!!!! ] A "Live" message is comming in from User ID : The Black Knight The message is: cuz you can't .send why   so you all have sysop access? A "Live" message is comming in from User ID : The Black Knight The message is: no well then? (Morning Star) Yup I do Have It! (Bigben) no we are donators (Tracker) I had to expand my time I could before today. (Morning Star) hahahaha Private message from The Black Knight : gonna tell me or not? (Bigben) no you don't MSD (Bigben) -d I can't tell t ypo  ou what I don't know,    (Morning Star) Yea I KNow (Morning Star) Just Busting Private message from The Black Knight : cut the hairy BS, I'll find out on my own, and then I'll tell everyone. (Morning Star) What did you expand it to Tracker? could some one tell me why TBK is harrassing mer ? he want's to know my previous name, I don't have one and even if I did i shouldn't have to tell him, Right? (Tracker) ferrari (Morning Star) Cool (Tracker) I had to (Morning Star) Yup your time was just about up! Bigben waits to see who is online 3 (Tracker) not anymore (Morning Star) hehehe ..who You are sharing this universe with: 0 : The Black Knight in teleconference with 81 min Parser is Power! Opponents wanted for: 1 : Tracker in teleconference with 81 min "Undecided" Opponents wanted for: POKER,CHESS 2 : Chip Fu in teleconference with 14 min Do people still burn witches? Opponents wanted for: 3 : in logon with 0 min Opponents wanted for: 5 : Bigben in teleconference with 52 min "SPRINGBOARD STUD" Opponents wanted for: 6 : Morning Star in teleconference with 231 min "SPRING" FEVER!!! Opponents wanted for: (Morning Star) Right I guess right to me? MS? (Bigben) well Chip I was on here the last time you were and you said you have a previous account (Morning Star) Yup If I did or didn't it is irrelevant, I don't have to give away if I don't don't want to. (Morning Star) Ahhhhh Well well well! Private message from The Black Knight : you don't have to tellme. Just when I DO find out will spread it around and everyone will know who you were. What the hell do you hink I am? STUPID? IQ=140+! Private message from The Black Knight : TRECH This guy is really annoying he sends private messages of slander, saying he will tell everyone, what is his point? (Morning Star) Anyone have ROJACKS Number? (Morning Star) heh (The Black Knight) rojack? (Morning Star) Yup (The Black Knight) not on here (Tracker) whats rojacks (Morning Star) BBS! (Morning Star) brb not stupid just a weirdo Private message from The Black Knight : I'll find out on my own If you have a point please make it, I don't want to hear it. what is the point anyway? (The Black Knight) I never said I was nornmal (The Black Knight) try ".user chip fu" says you've been on here since 1-9-93! so what? Whay do you need to know? are you an a respirator and this will cure you from it>? (The Black Knight) That you are a liar and will be doomed to hell for lying (Morning Star) who cares! anyway! (The Black Knight) me (Morning Star) Both of you! (The Black Knight) sorry are you a religious buuff? You should be banned from telecom! (Tracker) Talk to later (Morning Star) Bye Tracker (The Black Knight) Chip, the discussion has ended, go in peace. Hope you didn't change your handle cuz people hated you Tracker disappears in a Puff of Smoke! (The Black Knight) why? No, I don't know what you are talking about, you annoying little ediot, ScReW You (The Black Knight) I'm oine of the NICE guys! (Morning Star) Thanx TBK for stopping (Bigben) yea right!! I am nicer!!! (Morning Star) hahahahahaha (The Black Knight) and no I'm not a religious buff, thought I have studed the ancient tribal customs of the Quendorians in great depth Bigben is going to start in! (Morning Star) I'm the best!!!!! ooohhh Private message from The Black Knight : C-Ya in hell! (Morning Star) SHUT UP NOW! WHO CARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No, he is a real Jer-k for annoying me out of the blue and posting stupoid ballots in the voting booth! (The Black Knight) I'm not saying another public word (Bigben) you shaddup!!!!!! WOMEN!! (The Black Knight) heh The Black Knight apolgizes to MS Channel 1 : Intrepid logged on (Bigben) kiss ass! (Morning Star) iI LIKE IT WHEN YOU CALL ME WOMAN! (Morning Star) Excepted! now I am gonna be the bad guy? for defending myself when this freak starts with me? Sorry MS but I shouldn't have to take it. Private message from The Black Knight : I'm not even getting warmed up, shall we go another two rounds? Your ballots are stupider than U are! Bigben takes TBK's aplogy back from ms (Morning Star) heh The Black Knight apolgizes again The curtains part! And Intrepid appears! (The Black Knight) Hieya Bigben takes it back again (Morning Star) I except it TBK! (Morning Star) Hiya (Intrepid) hello Ha, if you guys could see the .sends he sends me, Heh, You pig, stupid! (Bigben) intrepid, eradicators buddy!!! (Morning Star) DROP THE WHOLE DAMN THING WILL YA! (Bigben) NO! (Intrepid) me? Private message from The Black Knight : You ARE the bad guy. Hell on earth? You've got it cheezwhiz (Morning Star) No (The Black Knight) I haven't said a word (Intrepid) Chip, who do you have a beef with? (Morning Star) CALL ME WOMAN AGAIN BIGBEN! TBK is harrasing me, and trying to slander my name, heh, little man I have more power that n you, don't mess with me! (The Black Knight) I haven't typed a send at% (The Black Knight) NO CARRIER The Black Knight disappears in a Puff of Smoke! good ridance, I waste my precious time dealing with ediots~! (Intrepid) he did that to me yesterday Time flies when your having fun! You have 5 minutes remaining on this call. Check Bulletin #5 for Info on getting more time.(Bigben) what now you are a tough guy CHIP? (Morning Star) I have to go anyway for now talk later! Private message from Bigben : heh... threating is fun if you have size to back yourself up I do! modem size is all fool! Private message from The Black Knight : We burn in hell together, use a damn Private message, instead of public you PHEWL! (The Black Knight) bye (Morning Star) Bye! (Bigben) BYE WOMEN it said I can't fuc+k face! Private message from The Black Knight : but below the belt size is nto (Intrepid) Darkness told me to report eradicator, and I did. ..exit You have 3 minutes remaining on this call. You have 3 minutes remaining today. Press [ENTER] to continue .