ONCE UPON A TIME ON A BBS FAR FAR AWAY ............. Paging sysop............. ....YOU ARE NOW IN THE PRESENCE OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD-LIKE SYSOP.... [Papa Fractal]: Yes oh subserviant user, what do you want from my awesome- ness? From Nikki: I have a complaint about some abusive users that are slandering my name. They are saying horrible and despicable things! [Papa Fractal]: Do you have any PROOF that these "so-called" abusers are saying these things? From Nikki: Yes, I have a capture and there are some very cruel and dis- gusting things on the WALL. [Papa Fractal]: Send me your copy of this "capture" and I will look into these matters oh small and meaningless user. From Nikki: I would appreciate if you would. Thank you. [Papa Fractal]: Yeah, whatever... .....YOU HAVE BEEN RELEASED FROM THE MOST HIGH REALM OF ...... THE SYSOP GODS OF CYBERSPACE MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM The Next Day **************************************************************** MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Paging sysop............. ....YOU ARE NOW IN THE PRESENCE OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD-LIKE SYSOP.... [Papa Fractal]: Yeah, what do you want bitch? Nikki: (gasp) I thought you said you were going to take care of all those terrible things on the wall and those users who were calling me a child molester!! [Papa Fractal]: I have no idea what you are talking about, even if I did care. Nikki: (in utter amazement) This is outrageous, I just talked to you yest- erday about this, weren't you even listening? [Papa Fractal]: Have we talked before? Nikki: Well if you won't do something about this then I'll have to see what legal action I can take. This is slander and defamation of character and I won't stand for it!!! [Papa Fractal]: I should warn you that any action taken against us could be used against you. Nikki: Well, we'll see..... [Papa Fractal]: Yeah whatever Miss Jackson....er Nikki. *************************************************************** ******* LATER THAT EVENING AT THE HOME OF PAPA FRACTAL AND HIS MASTER ******* *************( Over a nice candle light dinner )*************** Papa Fractal: I'm having some problems with that Nikki bitch.....you know the child molester, anyway I was wondering if you think she she could be serious about that legal advice. Middle Stooge: Oh honey-boy, I don't think she'll really do anything.... She sounds like she's all talk.....just post some bullshit in the adult forum, you know, some really incriminating shit, and let all the other users finish her off.... Pass the sausage will you love? Papa Fractal: Well...uh....I sorta already deleted her....ooops. Middle Stooge: What?! Why did you do that? Papa Fractal: Oh, I don't know, I guess I felt like it. Middle Stooge: Oh, ok. Papa Fractal: Well, I'll just make up some stuff to cover our butts. Middle Stooge: That sounds like a good idea...speaking of butts, you should get yours in the shower, did you forget that Slut-Bird was cumming over tonight to spin our hard drives? Papa Fractal: Oh goody, you know how I just love to ruffle her feathers. Middle Stooge: Well then silly boy, get that cute ass in the shower, we don't have very much time, she'll be here in a bit.... maybe I should help you "clean up". Papa Fractal: Ok, but aren't you going in to work the bar tonight? Middle Stooge: No, I closed up early in preparation for our Friday, I'm going to call it "Orgy Night at the 069 Club". Papa Fractal: In that case let's get in the shower, and if your good I might even drop the soap........ MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM The Next Day: Posted in the ADULT FORUM on a BBS FAR FAR AWAY ............. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Date: Sunday, December 12, 1993 11:22am /ADULT From: Papa Fractal Msg#: 000540 To: ALL Re: Nikki In reference to a previous post: The message you just read, was sent to me Via Email. This type of treatment will not be tolerated. NO USER shall have the right to speak freely on MY...er OUR board. Nor shall ANY USER hold a personal opinion, or speak said opinion on this board. If you THINK differently than I do that is grounds for termination. I understand ALOT of you have had your share of problems with Nikki. I wish to inform you all, that the child molester will NO LONGER be calling this board. At this time I will acknowlage that I have had over 20+ complaints concerning this user. However, under the guidelines of this board, our hands were tied. It is difficult to remove a user, when they have not only paid $25 to use it, but what the heck, its only $25 bucks. To DEMAND anything from the sysops of this bbs, and to stand up for her rights like she did, especially THREATENING an all powerful sysop in Teleconference, will be immediate grounds for removal. When we read the previous message, we promptly went into Teleconfenece and spoke with Nikki. She quickly got rude, obnoxious and threatening to us, saying "She knows how to destroy us". And that we "will NEVER see the LAST of her". Between this message, and the previous post, does this sound like the words of a 27 year old bitch? (at least) I dont think so, and niether does the other 3 stud...er....sysops, therefore, her account has been TERMINATED. Thank you, and sorry for the problems she has caused you all. I can assure you, she will not cause any more grief. Please continue to enjoy this most wonderful BBS, or else. The God-like Sysops. (R)eply, (E)mail reply, follow (T)hread, (P)revious or (N)ext message?  .