WARNING ! WARNING ! WARNING ! WARNING ! WARNING ! WARNING ! WARNING ! This text is dedicated to all ya guyz out there whos running a board which contains any kind of ILLEGAL stuff ------- WARNING ! WARNING ! WARNING ! WARNING ! WARNING ! WARNING ! WARNING ! Dragon of Rebels told one of my friends that the police has begun to co-operate with the phonecompany and now has all the rights to check out who own's a certain number and his address and so on ... And they have in some way laid their hands on the Ghostlist so now they got all the numbers to all Swedish boards, all that's missing now is some evidence that the board really is a piracy board ... Probably they got themselves an informer whos an modemtrader and who is calling the boards and whos active too.... it will be a rough time to deal with thoose suckaz so ya better be tough.. :) There's rumours about that this is a new law in Sweden ... So watch it !!! Okeyya ... Now ya got all the information so it's up to you to do what ya think is tha best !!! B.T.W... Dragons Lair is DOWN !!! Serpent Society does only accept legal stuff !!! Metropolis is DOWN for the moment !!! --------------------------------------------------------+:+> CLUSTER <+:+---- .