JZig's guide to freeing conventional memory. NOTE NOTE: BACK UP CONFIG.SYS AND AUTOEXEC.BAT RIGHT NOW The first thing you need to do is back up your config.sys and autoexec.bat in your root directory. Next, take a look at these files. First, autoexec. If you see anything mentioning mscdex, delete that line. Also, delete any line that mentions load, loadhigh, or is a command, that does not appear to be important. Remember, you backed up the files so if something goes wrong you can start over. Copy the lines you removed to c:\windows\dosstart.bat, this file is runwhen you select shut down to dos on the shutdown window. Now, on to config.sys. Do the same thing, remove anything that doesn't look important. Leave mentions of emm386 and himem in. Okay, now reset your computer. Hopefully, it should work fine, and you should have more memory. if it doesn't, figure out what doesn't work and add the line related to that device back to config.sys or autoexec.bat. Okay, good luck, and stop complaining about not having enough memory. -JZig .