Throughout history the aliens have manipulated and/or ruled the human race through various secret societies, religion and the occult. The CFR and the Trilateral Commision are in complete control of the alien technology and the nation's economy. Eisenhower was the last president to know the entire overview of the alien problem. Succeeding presidents were told only what MJ-12 wanted them to know, and it was NOT the truth. MJ-12 presented each new president with a picture of a lost alien culture seeking to renew itself, build a home on this planet and shower us with gifts of technology. Each president has bought the story hook, line, and sinker. Meanwhile, innocent people continue to suffer unspeakable horrors at the handsof alien and human scientists who are engaged in barbarous research that would make the Nazis pale in comparison. As if that is not enough, many people end up as food for the insatiable alien appetite for biological enzymes, hormonal secretions and blood. At least 1 in every 40 Americans have been implanted with alien devices that are used to control them if necessity calls. By 1989 over 3 million 'Greys' are occupying these deep multi-level underground complexes. Level 7 at Dulce is called "Nightmare Hall". They have welched on their agreement on abducting humans; today over 25 million citizens have been abducted and implanted, a literal army awaiting oreders to march! (Whitley Strieber has written bestselling on his personal expierience as have many others). For this reason other nations were informed. Within 5 months the communist monolith Russia was dismantled to unite with the U.S. and it's technology to fight the invasion. The Hubble Space Telescope was created to keep a watchful eye on the invasion fleet; Star Wars technology has been developed to hopefully stop them in outer space before they can get to the earth. Today, the government is on the horns of a dilemma. Too may sources are releasing alien information. The public could get angry at continued secrecy. So MJ-12 plans soon to make an "Official" announcement, under controlled conditions, probably Area 51. Network TV will be called to meet the staged 'landing' of the aliens, these being the Greys. They will come bearing gifts, technology that supposedly will heal Cancer and AIDS, retard aging, etc. They will tell us they are 'saviors of humanity' who have come to defend the earth against an invasion of man-eating aliens called Reptoids. This story is a LIE, they already work for the Reptoids! Their plan is to unify the world into a One-world Government, a 'New World Order' with the argument that only this can defeat the invasion by Reptoids. This is a trap to enslave the world's population. Control will be accomplished through the money system, a universal currency controlled by certain international bankers, who for years have been lackeys of the aliens, who seized upon their greed and lust for wealth and power as a means to bring about their evil plan to control the earth. (This also being the scenario predicted in the Bible's 'Book of Revelation' wherein only those who accept the Mark of the Beast (the aliens being the 'Beast' and the 'Mark' being some sort of laser tattoo or Credit Card they will use, which will allow people to buy and sell goods). Those who do not accept this 'Mark' must live outside the money system and survive somehow on their own, through barter etc. SO BE AWARE! ONLY YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF THIS FAKE INVASIO AND FAKE RAPTURE CAN PREVENT IT FROM HAPPENING. DEMAND THE TRUTH FROM YOUR GOVERNMENT. TELL THEM YOU KNOW ABOUT THE ALIENS AND THAT THERE ARE GOOD ALIENS AND BAD ALIENSAND THAT MJ-12 IS PROMOTING THE BAD ALIENS AND THE ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT THEY HOPE TO CONTROL. --- ZMailQ 1.10 @1:104/605.0 * Origin: ParaNet ALPHA-THETA(sm) THE ARCHIVIST 303-933-7184. (9:1012/18)  .