From: (Jasper O'Malley) Newsgroups: alt.drugs Subject: Caffeine Trips and other such niceties Date: 17 Feb 1995 14:08:47 -0500 Message-ID: <3i2s7v$> "And he opened the seventh seal..." Just thought you guys be interested in a little bit of excitement that came my way last night... After drinking an entire pot of coffee in less than an hour, around 4 AM this morning I became completely and utterly convinced that the world was going to end at exactly 6:11 AM this morning, just before first light. I'm not making this up. I completely lost my shit in a way that I have never lost it before. I was so freaked out, I wanted to die. Not to kill myself, just die. I had absolutely no desire to write, speak, eat, blow my nose, kiss, think or be in general...I wanted to die and I was convinced that when the world did end in a blaze of hellfire, I was gonna be judged by the Lord Almighty and burn for eternity. I wrote four pages about it in my journal as I was hip deep in the shitpool that was a stimulant overdose induced, acute manic/paranoiac attack that triggered some sort of neoclassical, metaphysical, socio-religious and philosophical crisis. Needless to say this sucked real bad, and I didn't real start to come down off this until around 5 in the morning. This particularly blew 'cos I had two labs to finish by today (already late...I only ended up getting one done), and I didn't feel a hell of a lot of incentive to expound on the vibrational-rotational modes of carbon dioxide molecules being that the world was going to come to a screeching halt and I was hurtling toward that inevitable eternity of suffering and agony reserved for unrepentant pagans and unbelievers like m'self... I fully snapped out of it at 6:20 and now my stomach feels like I swallowed a pound of Drain-O and pixie stick cocktails... If anyone ever tells you caffeine is not a psychoactive drug when taken in significantly large quantities, spit on their nose. And if you find the bastard that sprinkled LSD on my French Roast, cut out his tongue... HUGS & KISSES, Crackerboy O'Brien .