From: dr303@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Jim I. Walker) Newsgroups: alt.drugs Subject: different psilocybe species Date: 14 Jun 1994 17:43:06 GMT Message-ID: <2tkq7a$plr@usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu> Supposing one were to decide to grow shrooms, and wanted to know which would be the best kinds for growing, both in jars, and naturally in one's own area.. here's the general ideas about a few of the different types that I have come up with from my knowledge; it would be really nice if people could add on to this list: p. baeocystis -- the "potent" psilocybe, grows in the pacific northwest.. I'd guess that this would be really good to get but I'm not sure how easy it would be to grow. I also read that besides being si slightly hallucinogenic, it *might* be poisonnous -- but the author was unsure. Perhaps, though, the amount of poisonous chemicals would have no effect because it is so potent in psilocybin/psilocin that you'd need to take more than enough to get a strong trip before you ingested enough poison.. that's just a guess, though -- I really know very little about this kind and I'd like to see what others know. p. coprophelia -- supposedly very week as far as the psilocybes go, but a source I read said that it was the species that was the most widespread in North America. I'd assume it would be easy to grow. p. cubensis -- grows in many places, and its seasons are all year round. Perhaps it is these growing conditions that makes it the most common, and sold in mushroom kits more often than any other type (actually, the only one I know about coming from kits) they also grow relatively large. p. semilanceata -- "Liberty caps" I read a file from where one person's friend said that they were, out of all the types he had tried, his favorite variety. He also said that most people who tried this variety tended to have visuals of mushrooms..... hmm.. is this just some weird coincedince? p. montana -- this seems to grow better in less humid, cooler climates, in comparison to the others. But it also looked like it was common across the U.S. in a field guide that I read. "Chiefly sandy soils in woods, heaths" -- anyone know about the potency? Do not assume that I grow or would grow mushrooms because I don't take big risks -- but I just thought that people would be interested in what I know, and I certainly would be interested in more info on this because I have friends who are interested in growing shrooms, although they haven't grown any yet. I think there are a lot of people out there who would probably be interested in what kinds would be wild in their area, how to get them and grow them, how potent different varieties are, and how to identify the variety that they just bought so they kno dosages (hmm.. that's difficult because it's probably hard to identify dried shrooms) ... If only shrooms were legal we wouldn't have to worry about ingesting unkown quantities, picking poisonous shrooms, and getting caught... :( -- __ , , / \ ' / / |__/_/_/\/\__ _(_(_/ (_/ .