@@@@@@ @@@@@@ ######## spliff, weed, shit, dope, cannibis, herb, doodah ######## IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ######## POT -- The poor persons guide to smoking ######## IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ######## marijuana, ganja, pot, sess, kind bud, ultra bud, ######## IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ######## doobie, B1UnTs, hemp, resin, grass, hash, ######## @@@@@@ @@@@@@ A Druigs of Society informational text by NatxXx AND N1X0n Encryption These days were going to have to start encrypting shit no matter what - more and more encryptions keep coming in, but they probably have special decyphering tools that are made readily made to the public. These days were going to have to get off our rosey red asses and write our own encryptions and schemes given to people IN PERSON and destroyed after copying and initializing encryption on your system. I know this is just a phun weed text, I just am concerned about our rights to privacy towards the h/p scene everywhere. this isn't a disclaimer, but 0---0: Ok, getting pot these days seems to be no problem for the average joe. Whether in school, out of school, theres always that one friend that always can hook you up with some kind bud. This little text goes out too all the smokers, live long and prosper..to the non smokers -- read this, I want to let you in on some of my favorite smokin games, ways of smoking, and tricks to get that fucking hit out of thin air. :0--0 tub ,remialcsid a t'nsi siht Methods of Smoke: Get yourself ready to embark on a serious journey through time and space to reach that high...the one that stands out in your mind, even today, that high that you just couldn't get to ever again. Well perhaps if I shed some insight I might be able to get you back to the real world. Recommended method -- the blunt: Go to your drug store and buy a pack of phillies (cigars) split a cigar down the middle and take the tobacco out put like 1.5 grams in it ROLL it back up and lick the end to make it stick smoke. this is great for like 2-6 people have a beer with it First method -- the water bong: Water Bongs, in my opinion are by far the best way of smoking some good kind bud (nice buds of pot). Get yourself a plastic milk carton, not the large size, but the 1 liter size. your going to need two holes, one on top for the shotgun, and one in the bottom to put the tube, watch, I'll draw you a picture: V---- where you put your mouth ___ I I / \ <-- hole for shotgun I I water line --> I I <-- hole for tube with little bol on it* (below tubing) --- *: go to your favorite hardware store, pick up a plastic tubing, and some nuts and bolts with a screen (that you need to buy also). the plastic tubing should be about 1-2 feet long, with the tube going into your bolts that construct the bol...put the screen in the bottom of the last nut, seel it up, load a gram or two, and follow these instructions: Fill the carton with water, letting the end of the tubing stay in the water at a downward angle, yet be careful not to spill water out the bol. Place your mouth on the top of the milk carton. Place your finger over the shotgun hole (shotgun hole shall not be larger than your finger obviously). have someone hold the bol and light it up. You suck on the mouth hole, holding your shotgun. When you feel the herb starting to burn your mouth, either suck the mouth hole like a cigerette, exhaling SOME of the inhaled smoke through your nose (you need to be talented) or, start sucking very hard and let go of the shotgun hole with your finger, keep sucking, and suck until the smoke in the chamber (the milk carton) is in your lungs. Exhale and repeat if desired ;> **: Rather large bong hits -- they'll knock you out...follow these instructions: Take a medium sized hit from the bong, yet do not take your shotgun hit. WHile the shotgun hit is still in the chamber, light the bong up again, and keep sucking, suck till you feel your blue. Then release the shotgun hole, and sweet dreams baby, your toasted for the night...Try 4 of those, like I, and say hello to trip land *(You can Trip off of Pot in large quanities)*. Second Method: The coke can A.K.A the poor mans bol: Get a normal coke can, crush it like so: _ _ ( \-/ ( <-- hole ^^^^^ see how it is crushed right in the middle? Well take a pin or a sharp knife, and put about 10-15 holes in the indentation. Put about a gram for 3-4 people, and suck out of the hole (the one you drink out of). Be careful, the hits are hard and will knock you on your ass, great fun! Method 3: The Spliff A.K.A The J or Joint: Joints are fun + easy, they make a great topping from a big stoney night. Get a pack of EZ WiDE rolling paper. Pt in about a nickel of pot, (about 1/2 a gram) inside the crease in the paper, roll the paper, so that you get a cylindrical clump of pot in the rolling paper. Keep rolling it imbetween your thumbs and forefingers, and when it feels just righty and tighty, roll it up, lick it and seel it with your fingers. Twist the ends just incase you fucked up and some shake (loose pieces of pot) are at the ends -- shake sucks for j's usually, like inhaling pot in your lungs. But keep practicing, try rolling cigarettes in your spare time, like DRUM handrolling tobacco. You will see the results grow. Takeing J hits -- theres no special way really, providing you DON'T smoke it like a normal cigareette, that is way wrong and you'll waste your pot. Just inhale it, like you are inhaling from a baloon or something, keep sucking till the fucker hurts like shit, hold it in for 30 seconds, exhale. E-Z as 123. Mini-hit big-hit: my father taught me this one -- take a cigarette drag, then suck on the J, like SSSSsss SSSSsss, little hits, adding it with the ciggarette drag you'll get a big ole' jehova hit and that will screw you over, trust me, I am known to get stoned of off one hit of a J...lucky me. Roaches anyone?: If you still have a roach left over, SAVE IT OR SMOKE IT! Roach's have some nice assed resin in them (like hashish). Smoke the roach up in a bol bong, or with your roach clip if you have one (like tweazers). Have fun! Smokers -- fun times? Have a little fun with your friends when you get stoned, do something in which you totally freak everyone out. I am not talking about jumping off of buildings either. Make up big complex stories, like "isn't this great? and to think, they legalized marijuana today. It took a while, but I knew we'd win!" shit like that. Rub peoples kneecaps with your palm, that freaks them out. Watch a deep psycological thriller (one of my personal fav's). Pot opens your mind up, makes you realize very exotic things. Have fun with it, a day being stoned is better than a day sober if you ask me. Go on the edge, freak your parents out. GO to a laser show, watch fantasia, rave etc. You'll develop certain tastes and philosophies as you progress. The key is to do it with friends, it makes the journey 10X better. I love getting my friends stoned, my friends love getting me stoned. It works out like the yin and the yang. listen to some nice music, classical, or some fucking NOMEANSNO. YOu'll find theres a wide variety of music you can listen to while stoned. I like Beastie Boys, Nomeansno, Some classical, Jimi Hendrix, Dead Kennedy's, Public Enemy, Black Sheep etc. while I am stoned... Go find out for yourself why the best drug in the world should be legalized, speak out, educate the ones not entitled as we are to read this and spread information, keep your right of freedom of speach alive. smoke with friends alot, smoking alone is boring. you must work a little to expand your mind. get into trance like situation with your mind full throttle and consider writing a book with whatever you are parelleling the situation with. It's called metaphor. write music lyrics, write music with deep semblence of reality. don't be a hypocrite, if you smoke pot and then go tell someone not to, your an asshole. if you think your burnt, your an idiot. "being burnt" is just a simple excuse thought up by yourself to be stupid and anti-motivational you have to try to maintain when your not smoking, why should you not when you are? if someone asks you ifyou smoke, tell them you do. strive to make an example that pot isn't something that fucks your life up, as it isn't. always show people that your great and better than them. Not egotistical, but act like someone that likes life. later, Nat X just a little druig of society N1X0n. 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