============================= AMINO ACIDS AND THEIR EFFECTS ============================= Version 1.1 Compiled by: Bj Krawchuk (krawchuk@cpsc.ucalgary.ca) Several sources have been used and may be requested from above. (*@/// Phenylalanine *) (*@/// L-phenylalanine *) L-phenylalanine - converted into tyrosine which is precursor to noradrenaline (NE) and dopamine - like all amino acids best taken on empty stomach since it competes with proteins to cross the blood brain barrier. - requires vitamins C and B-6 for the conversion to NE. - Dosage: 500 - 1000mg along with 1g C, 30-50mg B-6 - phenylalanine also stimulates the release of cholecystokinin, which is the body's own appetite-suppressant, - can increase sexual interest - improves memory and mental alertness - antidepressant - do not use L-phenylalanine or L-tyrosine if you are using MAO inhibitors for depression (it can cause a major elevation in blood pressure). (*@\\\*) (*@/// DL-phenylalanine *) DL-phenylalanine - combination of synthetic (D) and natural (L) phenylalanine - produces endorphins and stimulates their use - thus, effective painkiller, often better than the opiate derivatives such as morphine. - nonaddictive, nontoxic - reverse-tolerance effect (pain relief gets better) - strong anti-depressant effect - can be combined with other pain-killers with few bad interactions (*@\\\*) (*@\\\*) (*@/// Tyrosine *) L-tyrosine - precursor to norepinephrine and dopamine - non-essential amino acid (since PA is converted into it first) - has been studied as an effective aid to cocaine withdrawal - (see L-phenylalanine) (*@\\\*) (*@/// Tryptophan *) L-tryptophan - precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin along with B6, niacin, and magnesium. - (actually immediate precursor to 5-hydroxytryptophan (5HTP) which is the precursor to serotonin (5HT)) - prolongs slow-wave sleep - reduces pain sensitivity - no effect or increases REMS - has some hypnotic effects - useful for some types of endogenous depression (has been found as useful as imipramine and amitriptyline) - aids in reducing anxiety and tension - an appetite supressant - dosages have been studied up to 15g - Major Food Sources: Cottage cheese, milk, meat, fish, turkey, bananas, dried dates, peanuts, all protein-rich foods. (*@\\\*) (*@/// Lysine *) L-lysine - needed for growth and enzyme, hormone, antibody production - aids concentration - treatment for some sterility problems - treatment and prevention for herpes infections - aids fatty acid -> energy conversion (*@\\\*) (*@/// Arginine *) L-arginine - used to increase sperm counts (semen contains up to 80% of arginine) - aids immune response and healing of wounds - helps stored fat metabolism - helps to tone muscle tissue - used for weight-loss in combination with L-ornithine - one amino acid required for production of growth hormone (*@\\\*) (*@/// Ornithine *) L-ornithine - similar to arginine - growth hormone (which acts as a fat metabolizer) is stimulated to be released by ornithine and arginine. - can be used as a slimming technique (while you sleep - GH is released by the pituitary gland then) (*@\\\*) (*@/// Glutamine *) L-glutamine - converted to glutamic acid, the brain's emergency source of energy when glucose is in short supply. - precursor to the neurotransmitter GABA - neutralizes excess ammonia (which can inhibit proper brain function) - improves intelligence - helps to control alcoholism - helps to speed ulcer healing - alleviates fatigue, depression, impotence, schizophrenia, senility (*@\\\*) (*@/// Aspartic Acid *) L-aspartic acid - ammonia neutralizer - a study showed improved stamina and endurance in atheletes (*@\\\*) (*@/// Cysteine *) L-cysteine - cystine is its stable form - antioxidant - contains sulfur - protects cellular membranes from "free radical damage" - prevents alcohol and cigarette smoke damage to the brain - stimulant to immune system - believed to be good for antiaging - effective against copper toxicity (eg. Wilson's disease) - protects against X-ray and nuclear radiation - warning: may affect insulin effectiveness (*@\\\*) (*@/// Methionine *) L-methionine - antioxidant - contains sulfur - prevents damage of brain cells from toxic heavy metals - important in producing neurotransmitters and energy - lowers blood level of histamine (this may help some types of schizophrenia) - combined with choline and folic acid, can prevent some types of tumors - deficiencies: hair loss, atherosclerosis, cholestorol deposits, edema, poor urine processing (*@\\\*) (*@/// Glycine *) L-glycine - treatment for poor pituitary functioning - supplies creatine which is essential for muscle function (effective against muscular dystrophy) - treatment for hypoglycemia - stimulates glucagon which metabolizes glycogen into glucose - antacid - treatment for low blood pH - treatment for leucine imbalance-causing body odor and halitosis (*@\\\*) (*@/// Leucine *) L-taurine - nonessential amino acid - aids efficient conduction of electrical impulses along nerve pathways - anticonvulsant (esp in combo with glutamic, aspartic acids) (*@\\\*) (*@/// Glutathione *) L-Glutathione - tripeptide amino acid made of cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine - "triple threat" antiaging - antioxidant - anti-tumor agent - respiratory accelerator in the brain - used in the treatment of: allergies, cataracts, diabetes, hypoglycemia, arthritis - prevents some side effects of chemotherapy and X-ray radiation - protects against some harmful side-effects of cigarrette smoke and alcohol (*@\\\*) (*@/// Carnatine *) L-carnatine - newly discovered amino acid - aids stored fat -> energy conversion - helps: hypoglycemia, reduces angina attacks, diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease - deficiency causes heart tissue damage (*@\\\*) .