<*>=<*>=<*>=<*>=<*>=<*>=<*>=<*>=<*>=<*>=<*>=<*>=<*>=<*>=<*>=<*>=<*> The Power-Hash Toker : Give These Cool Systems a call! Written by The Griffin on +-------------------------------- August 28, 1990 : THC BBS 604-598-4259 : TCL BBS (Up Soon!) 604-385-4217 <*>=<*>=<*>=<*>=<*>=<*>=<*>=<*>=<*>=<*>=<*>=<*>=<*>=<*>=<*>=<*>=<*> Wow! Created this one by total mistake! But wow! Talk about a great hi! Greetings to EZRider for getting me into buying 1/8thz of hash more of the time as well as Tommy for putting up a bitchin' Bulletin Board System, THC BBS. HISTORY: Well I guess you could call this history. The reason behind me creating one was simple. I couldn't roll worth a damn, and I had this ounce of hash saved for days off. Well I saw something similar at a party before, so I thought I would make one. Anyways, smoking a bowlfull using this method will be quite interesting. Since it's created using a can, you get the best drag off your hit, and it seemed hardly any smoke escaped the can itself. A small bowlfull lasted quite a while too. Materials Needed are: 1 pop can (I used a Coke Classic Can myself) Small piece of tinfoil Safety Pin Packing tape/Electricians Tape (either one) Directions. <1> First you need to punch a hole in the can you are using (I used a potato peeler and gouged a nice size hole into the can). <2> Next place a fair size piece of tinfoil over the hole and drop the tinfoil into the hole using your thumb to push it through. <3> Now punch holes into the tinfoil using the safety pin. (Don't make too many holes as to make bigger holes in the tinfoil). <4> Now tape the tinfoil edges onto the side of the can making sure they're completely sealed onto the edges of the tinfoil. Figure 1.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------- (A) What the hole should look like (hey look guys ____________________ I know my ASCII art / \ sux, but you should |----------------------| get a general idea | | from it). Sorry, | | can't draw the | ___ | holes, afterall | / \ | this isn't a .GIF | | | | picture ;> | \___/ <--(A) | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------- ....and that should be it. Well that's it for now. Be looking for my next text file. Construction of the do-it-yourself Water Pipe. TTYL! Support N.O.R.M.L.: The National Organization to Reform Marijuana Laws!!!! ...and your local head shop! X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X Another file downloaded from: The NIRVANAnet(tm) Seven & the Temple of the Screaming Electron Taipan Enigma 510/935-5845 Burn This Flag Zardoz 408/363-9766 realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 510/527-1662 Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 801/278-2699 The New Dork Sublime Biffnix 415/864-DORK The Shrine Rif Raf 206/794-6674 Planet Mirth Simon Jester 510/786-6560 "Raw Data for Raw Nerves" X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X .