*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* *^* New Zealand Green *^* *^* a text file on Cannabis *^* *^* By Axe Man of The County Jail *^* *^* Ph(070)357510 After Shop Hours *^* *^* *^* *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^* This text file has a bit of usless information on Marijuana, first are different names for Marijuana so when you travel around the world you will know what to ask for so on with this Text File... Other Names for Cannabis in other places Australia - marijuana, big heads India - bhang, ganjah, charas Aramiac - kanebusma Italy - canoppa Africa - hashish, umya, xhosa Lituania - kanapes Albania - kannab Ireland - caraib Arabia - kanep Mexico - marijuana, juanita Assyria - qunubu grifa, shora Asia - gunga, hashish New Zealand - kiwi green Algeria - dawamesk North Africa - majoun, kiff Brazil - diamba, liamba, Norway - hanpr maconha Persia - Canna, esrar Brittany - kanas, canba Poland - konopic Bulgaria - konop Russia - anascha China - hsien, ma tze Rumania - cannopis Congo - bangi Ranga - suruma Cambodia - khanchha South Africa - dagga, djamba Czechoslovakia - kanopia intsangu Denmark - hamp Sanskirt - goni France - chanvre Spain - grifa, sana Finland - hampr Tanzania - takrouri Great Britain - hemp Tibet - momea, so-la-ra-dsa Germany - hanf Turkey - esrar Holland - hennep U.S.A. - marijuana, muta, Hebrew - kanebosn mary jane, pot And to all thoese people who wonder what everyone else is talking about here is THE MARIJUANA VOCABULARY IN NEW ZEALAND "Buzz" Slight tingle of the drug feeling "Busted" Raided or arrested by Police "Chick" Young girl "Clean" Not in possession on any illegal drugs "Connection" source of drugs "Contact High" Getting stoned by just sitting in a room where other people are smoking "Cool" In control "Dig" To understand "Freak" Heavy user of drugs "Freak out" Negative experience "Fuzz" Police "Gear" Drugs "Grooving" Enjoying the effects of "Hang up" A personal emotional problem "Hash" Hashish "Head" Regular user of marijuana "High" Being above all "Hit up" To inject drugs "Hookah" Water cooled pipe "Joint" A hand rolled marijuana cigarette "Juice Freak" Use of alcohol "Marijuana Munchies" Intense desire to eat food while stoned on marijuana "Mellow" Grooving nicely "Muso" Musician "Paranoia" Continual awareness of the Police "Piss" Alcohol "Pot" Marijuana. from Mexican Indian potdyuaya for marijuana "Pot Head" Regular user of marijuana "Rave" To talk alot "Roach" Butt of a marijuana cigarette "Roach Clip" Holder for the but, allows joint to be almost completely smoked "Shooting up" Injecting "Shit" Originally name for heroin, now applied to marijuana "Stoned" Intoxicated with marijuana "Spaced out" Very very stoned "Speed" Amphetamines "Stash" Hidden marijuana "Straight" Non-user of drugs "Topping" Informing to the Police "Tripping" Taking L.S.D. "Vibrations" (vibes) Feelings "Weed" Old term for marijuana "Whacked" Being intensely intoxicated on marijuana, a stage where you want to do little else but relax or sleep -WoW- now you should no what to say... "American Service men and seamen with their music introduced the use of marijuana to New Zealand" - McFerran N.Z. 1973 "If about 20 people claim I smoked marijuana it is not true, when the others smoke I only simulated smoking the drug" D.L.Anderson Undercover Policeman "My 2 sons and daughter-in-law, and most of there friends smoke marijuana, they are delightful children" Delegate at metting of Wgtn National Party 27/5/72 "If drug abuse continues to grow the present period will become knowen as the stoned age" Rev. D. brett 19/3/71 "I have yet to see anybody in a psychiatric ward through an over dose of marijuana" Prof. A. W. Taylor. Auck. Uni. 13/5/71 CANNABIS CONCOCTIONS "Manzoul" Sweet meat composed of 10% hashish melted in oil. 90% cheap chocolate powder mixed up with nutmeg, ginger, pepper, cloves, seeds of celery, onion watercress and quince. These additives are kneaded together by hand into a stiff paste which is flattened out and stamped out into a discs 1cm by 3cm across. They are chewed slowly. (Arab Countries) "Bhangi" 5 grams of hemp is carefully washed in cold water, then rubbed to powder, mixed with black pepper, cucumber and melon seeds, sugar, half a pint of milk, and an equal quantity of water are added. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- In New Zealand:- (March 1976) Any member of the police force who has reasonable ground for beliving there is marijuana on your premises, and any assistants who accompany him, may enter and search the building and any person found there in, without a warrant. Section 198 summary proceedings act 1957 Anyone who without license cultivates or grows cannibis is liable to a term of impresonment for up to seven years. Anyone who smokes, consumes, or has in their possession up to 28 grams of cannibis is liable to a term of imprisonment of up to 3 months or a $500 fine or both. Anyone who supplys, deals, or sells marijuana is liable to a term of imprisoment for up to 14 years. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- .