-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- = = - The Top 10 things to do when you are stoned - = and have no place to go...... = - - =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= * by Rakhir the Red Archer * \ created Sept. 22, 1992/ \______________________/ Howdy. Do you like to get stoned?? If so this file is for you. First, here are some neat-O things to do when you and your freinds are getting stoned in your house. Most of these things can be done just sitting in the den or in your room! (1) If your 'freinds' are of the opposite sex, fuck them. This is #1 because it is the most fun, but [at least in my case] it is also the most uncommon. (2) When you are sitting around tripping wid' your buds, secretly hit record on a tape recorder (I like to hit the page button on my answering machine- no one notices it and it's just as good as a tape recorder-- just MAKE SURE that you remember to take the tape out later or when your parents call they will get a REAL suprise when the message is "hey, Rob-- man am I fucked up pass that joint!!"" hehehe.... anyway, after recording for a few (15) minutes. Play it back-- I promise you will trip, and laugh mucho hard (isn't that the point of getting stoned wid' your buds!!??) (3) Look at yourself in the mirror. after a few seconds you will trip out on the 'dude' you are looking at. I swear to god it's like an out of body experience! But don't do it to long or it will get too intense! (4) Start randomly calling people and cary on a conversation with them. If after a few minutes they don't say something like 'are you on drugs or someting??' then you need to go back and smoke some more, 'cause your not stoned enough! (5) Play computer games (best if you own an AMIGA!!) My personal favourites are Prince of Persia, Out of this World, Robocop III (great!!)... I actually think you play better stoned, too!! I got through 3 levels with one man in PoP, and I've never done that straight!!!! Also, a starfield screenblanker is fun for a while, or just run a voice modulation program and let the computer talk-- type in things like "youuuuurrrr stooooooooned" and change the speed- sure to trip you out! (6) stand up, look at someone straight in the eye, and after a couple of seconds go "whoop, whoop" real loud. This may sound silly when your straight, but it is always a croud pleaser-- barrells of laughs!! (7) Listen to music. I know, not very original- but here is a list of some of the best music to trip on: #1 (hands down) Pink Floyd- Meddle, side 2 #2 any velvet underground #3 I won't go any further, you probably know most of the other good ones. Also there are two Videos that no true stoner hasn't seen- Refer madness. This is boring if you are not REEAALLYY stoned, but if you are real stoned, it is great- you'll swear this movie was made for stoners to trip on!! And the other video, the greatest stoner video of all time: Pink Floyd: Live in Pompei... Absolutely undescribable trip-- I've seen it over 20 times and every time it is different. You just won't understand until you've seen it. It used to be real hard to get, but now you can get it for like $14.95 at music stores. (8) Play D&D (or some other role playing game--d+d is best.) Don't get stoned and then play, though-- start playing for an hour or so, then light up right in the middle of play. After a few minutes, whamo! D&D is a lot more realistic!! (and fun, too!) This works best if you are in the trip mode, not just laughing (if you know what I mean...) (9) EAT!! Two of the best munchie foods: Pizza and Chocolate cake (w/ lots of milk!!) BUT here are some foods to avoid: Popcorn (hell on cotton mouth) Tortilla chips (especially w/ hot salsa 'cause it seems REEAALL hot.) etc, (anything dry....) (10) Add your favorite idea here, and append more so we can all enjoy!! I can't think of any more right now (it's 3:00am and I got school tommorrow.) -thanks to my good friends, Elric of Melnibone, Moonglum, and The Black Blade. Also thanks to Bob Marley, Pink Floyd, and Jimmy Page........ X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X Another file downloaded from: The NIRVANAnet(tm) Seven & the Temple of the Screaming Electron Taipan Enigma 510/935-5845 Burn This Flag Zardoz 408/363-9766 realitycheck Poindexter Fortran 510/527-1662 Lies Unlimited Mick Freen 801/278-2699 The New Dork Sublime Biffnix 415/864-DORK The Shrine Rif Raf 206/794-6674 Planet Mirth Simon Jester 510/786-6560 "Raw Data for Raw Nerves" X-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-X .