ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ BeerLink... Alpha Version 0.2 ³ ³ ...A HomeBrewer's Development Tool ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ If you are a FIRST-TIME user of BeerLink, you should refer to the BEERLINK.DOC file in the BeerLink archive for installation instructions!! Update Alpha Version 0.2 To update from Alpha Version 0.1, copy *ONLY* the following files to the specified directories: BEERLINK.EXE to the BEERLINK home directory BEERLINK.OVR to the BEERLINK home directory BEERLINK.SCR to the BEERLINK home directory LOGS.DAT to the DATA directory (as specified in your BEERLINK.CFG) The new LOGS.DAT is because some fields were added to the Log Screen. If you try to use your previous LOGS.DAT, you will find it filled with garbage. I apologize for any incovenience that this may cause... CHANGES from Alpha Version 0.1 Many thanks go to Tim Evans for taking the time to send me NetMail FULL of good suggestions! Here are the changes since v0.1 and the ideas that I plan to tackle immediately: Updated in Alpha Version 0.2: - Log info now includes the *actual* HBU/IBU/Gravities/Alcohol of the brew. This can be used to record your actual results vs. assuming the Recipe calculation turned out to be right. One thing to consider: If these measures turn out significantly different than what is calculated for the Recipe, you may have actually created a *NEW* Recipe! :) - Added ability to delete Log records. Slipped by in the first release! :) - Implemented date range checking in the Log Screen - Established standard for field colors for easy identification (see docs) - Changed field ordering to make date input easier - Added screen titles at the TOP of the screens, so they are easy to see! Planned for future releases: - Stop that dang screen flashing! I recommend that you use the TAB key to move from field to field until I figure out the right implementation for the screens. - Filter/Search function - Data file merge utility .