Various paragraphs from the PDR regarding various brands of Yohimbine: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Yohimbine is an indolealkylamine alkaloid [this is the same group that includes Psilocybin] with chemical similarity to reserpine. It is the principal alkaloid of the bark of the West African 'Corynanthe yohimbe' tree and is aslo found in Rauwolfia Serpentina. "... causes erectile stimulation without increasing sexual desire." OVERDOSAGE: Daily doses of 20-30mg may produce increases in heart rate and blood pressure, piloerection [hair stands on end/goosebumps] and rhinorrhea [runny nose]. More severe symptoms may include paresthesias [local numbness], incoordination, tremulousness and a DISSOCIATIVE STATE [spaced-out dreamlike feeling of unreality] with higher doses. WARNING: Generally this drug is not proposed for use in females and certainly must not be used during pregnancy. Neither is this drug proposed for use in pediatric, geriatric, or cardio-renal patients with gastric or duodenal ulcer history. Nor should it be used in conjunction with mood altering drugs such as antidepressants, or in psychiatric patients in general. ADVERSE REACTIONS: Yohimbine readily penetrates the CNS and produces a complex pattern of responses at lower doses than required to produce alpha-adrenergic blockade. These include antiduresis [reduced urination] a general picture of central excitation including elevation of blood pressure and heart rate increased motor activity, irritability and tremor. Sweating nausea and vomiting are common after parenteral [not by digestion] administration of the drug. Also dizzyness, headache, skin flushing reported when used orally. ---- Brand Name Mfr. Dose Drug ---------- -------------------------- ---- ----------------------- APHRODYNE Star 5.4mg Yohimbine hydrochloride ACTIBINE Consolidated Midland 5mg Yohimbine hydrochloride YOHIMEX Kramer Yohimbine hydrochloride YOCON Palisades Pharmaceuticals 5.4mg Yohimbine "Yohimbine blocks presynaptic alpha-2-adrenergic receptors. It's action on peripheral blood vessels resembles that of reserpine, though it is weaker and of short duration. Yohimbine's peripheral autonomic nervous system effect is to increase parasympathetic (cholinergic) and decrease sympathetic (adrenergic) activity. .... Yohimbine exerts a stimulating action on the mood and may increase anxiety. Such actions have not been adequately studied or related to dosage. Although they appear to require hight doses of the drug. Yohimbine has a mild anti-diuretic action, probably via stimulation of hypothalamic centers and release of posterior pituitary hormone. Reportedly, Yohimbine exerts no significant influence on cardiac stimulation and other effects mediated by beta-adrenergic receptors, its effect on blood pressure, if any, would be to lower it; however, no adequate studies are at hand to quantitate this effect in terms of Yohimbine dosage. YOCON is indicated as a sympathicolytic and mydriatic. It may have activity as an aphrodisiac. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Yohimbine "Alpha-2-Adrenergic blocker" ( From Corynanthe yohimbe & Rauwolfia serpentina ) /\ /\ // \ _____ / \ | || || | | || || N \\ / \ / \ /\ \/ \N/ \/ \ H | | \ /\ \/ \ | | /\ / H3COOC \/ | OH Psychoactive Plants pharmacologically and/or botanically related to Yohimbe: Rubiaceae [plant family] Corynanthe yohimbe (yohimbine) Caffea arabica (caffeine) Psychotria viridis (DMT/other indolealkylamines) Chinchona officinalis (Quinine Bark - antimalarial) (wild:S.America. cultiv:Java) Apocynaceae Rauwolfia serpentina Rauwolfia canescens (alpha-yohimbine) Aspidosperma quebracho blanco ("White Quebracho") (Quebrachamine) Anacardiaceae Loxoptrygium lorentzii ("Quebracho Colorado" for tanning leather) ============================ Medical Dictionary (Crown books $28) used in Southern Cameroon yohimbine same as quebrachine used as aphrodisiac, and to treat arteriosclerosis and angina pectoris ============================== Merck Index 11th ed: -- Raubasine (delta-yohimbine, tetrahydroserpentine, ajmalicine, Circolene Hydrosarpan, Isoarteril, Lamuran) From yohimbe & rauwolfia Antihypertensive, Anti-ischemic (cerebral & peripheral) -- Other Yohimbe isomers etc: Pseudoyohimbine (from yohimbe) allo-yohimbine (alloyohimbine, dihydroyohimbine) alpha-yohimbine (from Rauwolfia canescens) (corynanthine,isoyohimbine,mesoyohimbine,rauwolscine)  .