Any tips you may have please send them up to INSOMNIA PROBLEM?: Beside Camomile at night you can take before going to sleep an infusion of #tilleul or fleur d'oranger# or #aubepine# which all have a definite soothing action. The following recipe is said to resolve the worst case of insomnia. I should try it, since I write all the time at night but then again I am a night bird like all barmen we are the owls of life. Now back to the grinder with this recipe; sleep on it. In one litre of water let infuse 1/4 of a tbsp of petal de #coquelicot# with 10 grams of lettuce leaves and a pinch of #aubepine# flower and a pinch of #metilot#. No you don't have to drink the whole litre of water because you would be up all night running to the bathroom. .