SIR, ARE YOU USING ONLY HALF YOUR BRAIN? You're pretty smart. We all know that. You know all about partial differential equations, computer programming, cost analysis, flow charts and vectors. If it can be put into an equation, expressed in human language, or recorded on a graph, you can handle it. When it comes to the semantic circuit of the brain and precise manipulations of symbol systems, you're a champ. Any everybody knows it. But what about those mysterious right-hemisphere brain functions? Intuition? Synergetic apprehension of whole systems? Esthetics and ESP? Imagine trying to live with one eye, or one lung, or one testicle. Isn't it equally a handicap to use only half your brain? "Specialization is for insects." --- Robert A. Heinlein "I once knew a man who was an ear, a magnificent ear, the greatest ear in Europe. But that was all he was:an ear." --- Nietzsche on Wagner (__) (oo) /-------\/ / : :: * ::----:: ^^ ^^ .